
10 Truths about Prosperity
10 Truths about Prosperity

If you tend to use only your logical mind to create wealth, you may want to sit down. Here are a few prosperity rules that guarantee results: Know what you want. Articulate the essence and.

Overwhelm is a Choice
Overwhelm is a Choice

When your head spins with to-do lists, your inbox is overflowing, and your desk is cluttered with stuff that needs to be handled… the overwhelm can trigger a feeling that’s anything but empowering.

Less Is More
Less Is More

One of the BEST entrepreneurial habits for success is to prioritize your actions each day.It’s a challenge for most people to limit their daily business action list to six to eight items. I.

Create from a Clean Slate
Create from a Clean Slate

Go after a big and exciting goal or new venture and you’ll find that those who have done it before you always have a story.I’ve heard horror stories, advice on how to.

The Fear Alarm
The Fear Alarm

I catch myself all the time hoping things will turn out the way I want.The energy of hoping feels like, “I want this thing to happen, but I’m so scared it won’t.

Rampant Overwhelm
Rampant Overwhelm

I’ve been writing about it for years. I coach clients on this topic every week. I watch colleagues fizzle under its pressure. Business owners are run by it. Everyone reacts to it ungracefully. It.

Follow the Niggles
Follow the Niggles

You can’t be reminded too many times of what is most important in your life.A dear friend came over to my house when my first son was young. She brought her daughter over.

Leisurely Profits
Leisurely Profits

I was flipping through a home decorating magazine and it caught my attention.Hidden in an article on vanities (dressing tables) it said, “Few of us lead a life at such a leisurely pace today.

Procrastination Is a Gift
Procrastination Is a Gift

Inevitably the word is said when a client first hires me.You know the word. The one that makes you feel bad about yourself.“I’m procrastinating.”You scratch your head, wondering why you just.

Financial Upgrading Made Easy
Financial Upgrading Made Easy

Not everyone has more than enough money in their life.But most everyone would be thrilled if more was magically delivered to their doorstep.You may consistently feel the pinch (or vice) of not enough.

Attract Clients with Little Marketing
Attract Clients with Little Marketing

As a business owner or sales person, your biggest challenge is attracting a steady flow of ideal clients. ‘Selling’ people on how great your products or services are can feel inauthentic and sometimes cheesy. The.

Raining on Your Parade
Raining on Your Parade

Do you ever hear yourself talking to someone and notice that you’ve been completely focused on what is wrong and why it sucks?Then, you notice that you don’t feel very good about.

The “P” Word
The “P” Word

Can you imagine a life where you only said yes to things that you really wanted to do?I’m talking about only doing the things you want to do in your personal life and.

Excitement Disappearing Act
Excitement Disappearing Act

You look at the clock and feel that feeling. It’s time to get down to business!Your mind goes into an automatic mode about what needs to be handled. Your body responds back with.

Saying No Is Brave
Saying No Is Brave

Once I say yes, I don’t like to say no. If I make a decision, I like to stick with it. If I make a commitment to you, I’m going to keep it.

Bring In the Big Dream
Bring In the Big Dream

Not all dreams manifest lickety-split nor do they take a straight path from beginning to end.Here’s a story that proves that you can still bring your big dreams to life… even if.

  • I used to only attract 3 people each time I launched a program. Jeanna drastically changed my business. I almost tripled my income last year! It’s such a gift, and relief, to finally be filling programs I'm proud of!

  • I've been very busy with all the manifestations I attracted working with Jeanna! I created a platinum program and it totally sold out (I even had to add more space!). I reached my goal of 6 figures in one month. Bonus: I have more peace of mind and personal power!

  • One of the smartest things I've ever done is work with Jeanna during the formation of my consulting practice. Because of her my business has grown exponentially. The amazing thing is that it’s grown at that rate (from a $30,000 solopreneur to a $1,500,000 consulting practice in 3 years) without requiring more effort AND supporting everything I’m up to in my life.

  • I used to think I was someone who did things to hold the world together but Jeanna showed me that I do things that CHANGE the world. My income increased 7 times when I went from a sales position to leadership positions and now I own my own business!

  • I have achieved more financially than decades of working with other coaches. I have Tripled my income, have Friday's off, created multiple streams of passive income and have a very clear vision of my financial future. Jeanna showed me how to R-E-L-A-X into my business and bring in more FUN! Wohoo!!!