Wealth, success, and freedom don’t come from hard work, complicated marketing strategies, and/or by repeating 101 affirmations while staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror. They come from changing the way you think.

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MasterPeace Coaching
For Customer Service please contact my Client Support Team:
424-532-1695 | info@masterpeacecoaching.com
JV Partners & Five Star Launch Partners please contact my JV Manager:
For all other matters please contact Abby Cobb, my Badass Manager:
424-532-1695 | info@masterpeacecoaching.com
I’m a full-time mom who is known to do what she wants, when she wants. I may be out playing during office hours. On the other hand, I may answer the phone during off-hours. I also travel doing seminars and trainings. I will, however, return most calls and e-mails within 36 hours.
I look forward to creating shift in your life! Make your day work for YOU!
Jeanna ox
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