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Should You Be Worried?
Should You Be Worried?! Some years ago, I was out with friends and somebody did something that I could’ve chosen to be really upset over. In the past, if this same incident would’ve happened, I might have had an intense emotional reaction. But I didn’t feel reactive....
The Pause
Hesitation. It's a daily occurrence and yet you may not even know it's happening. Hesitation is a pause. A doubt. A question. Is it fear or your Inner Guidance speaking? If you pay attention to that gut feeling of hesitancy, you'll gain clarity on which action steps...
Crystal Ball for the New Year
I always thought it would be cool to have the superpower to look into a crystal ball and see my future. But growing up, I was taught that there was no such thing. Now I know better… there is a way to predict my future. Anything I can see in my imagination can become...