Push the pause button on your life for a moment.Take a nice, deep belly breath in and let it out slowly. Do it again. Slowly… in and out.Now imagine that the money you.
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Ditch the rules. Be the boss. Ramp up the fun and build a business that makes you wealthy, happy and free.
It’s time to let go, lighten up, and flip your money switch from “not enough” to as much as you want!
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Telling people what you do is usually pretty easy if you’re in a one-on-one casual conversation with no time pressure. If what you offer isn’t straightforward or widely known, you can.
If you’ve ever had an issue getting rock star results from the people you hire or partner with, you’re not alone. People show up late, miss deadlines, fall off the grid with no.
Do you ask to be compensated in direct relationship to the value you give for the work you do?Do you ask for the support you need from every person that could contribute to your.