Designing Your MasterPeace

A Weekly Ezine for Hi-Octane Leaders in Business

Our weekly ezine is for people who want high octane results by infusing conscious business and leadership practices into their daily life. Each issue includes step-by-step strategies and inspiration, for individuals who are ready to create fun, flow and profits! You’ll also be invited to our complimentary training calls, so you can more easily create your six or seven figure income … and have a good time doing it!


As our THANK YOU, you’ll receive a complimentary special audio recording of Jeanna interviewing Joe “Mr. Fire” Vitale, one of “The Secret” teachers, on The 5 Steps for Creating Wealth from the Inside Out just for subscribing to Jeanna’s power packed MasterPeace Coaching™ weekly e-zine!

“There are very few ezines that I actually find time to read…yours is one of them. I feel like I get to connect with the REAL you while gaining some really cool business insights. I always get a new perspective or a new helpful tip. Thanks and keep them coming!”

Lisa Bloom

“I just finished reading several of your newsletters back-to-back. YOU just single handedly put the fun back into my world! I’ve been waayy too serious over the start up of my new biz venture. I literally feel lighter in myself and my biz!! THANK YOU for such inspiring articles. Ever think of writing a book based on your highly valuable, fun and inspiring newsletters?”

Kim Ravida

FREE Audio

Learn the 5 keys to create your business prescription for doubling your profits and fun! 

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About Jeanna

Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who supports conscious entrepreneurs to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging attraction principles, proven strategies and fun.

Her top-tier private coaching and sold-out seminars have allowed committed entrepreneurs to blow past their self-imposed limits, ditch the drama of overwhelm and move into radical joy, inner peace and ever-increasing profits.

She is the co-author of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, along with Eva Gregory, Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield. Her newest books are 10 Minute Makers and Rock Your Profits.

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