
More Moola in a Few Minutes
More Moola in a Few Minutes

Most entrepreneurs are praying for a windfall of new clients, because that would mean more money.And more money would mean you could have more of the things that you want.I’ve gotta be.

Clean Communication: Get What You Want in Less Time
Clean Communication: Get What You Want in Less Time

I recently called a company to inquire about their services. The person on the phone told me I had to make an appointment to find out more, so I did. The salesperson came to my.

A Big Dose of Fun
A Big Dose of Fun

When I first named my business MasterPeace Coaching & Training, I envisioned all my clients playing BIG, peace-ing out, and having a good time. I had no idea how many people thought I was.

Prosperity Chill Pill
Prosperity Chill Pill

Have you ever thought…“I’m not sure what action to take first to bring in clients?”Or… “I’m not sure this action is gonna deliver big moola.”Here’s a question to remedy.

Money Mind
Money Mind

You are your own best authority when it comes to choosing income-producing strategies, because the most successful strategies are the ones that immediately feel aligned with your values.If it feels true and right.

1, 2, 3… Breakthrough!
1, 2, 3… Breakthrough!

If you’re feeling like some area of your life isn’t moving forward fast enough, try this one-minute process to kick-start your breakthrough. Bring to mind the situation that feels stagnant or.

Flow Routine
Flow Routine

I can’t function without routine. Okay, so that’s a bit dramatic. But I’m truly not operating at my best when I roll out of bed and just haphazardly take action.A routine.

The Real Learning Curve
The Real Learning Curve

Sir Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” I agree that acquiring new information can help us sift through the many choices in life and make wise decisions. I also happen to think that the quest.

It Doesn’t Matter What They Say
It Doesn’t Matter What They Say

I went to the chiropractor back in 2008 and told him my right arm had been going numb and my neck was tight and hurting. He gave me a great adjustment and then told me.

Health ’n Success
Health ’n Success

It used to be that the one consistent thing in my life was exercise. But I must admit, I was totally neurotic about it. My belief was that if I didn’t lift weights six.

Find Your Next Step to Big Growth
Find Your Next Step to Big Growth

I had registered for a three-day marketing event intending that I would walk away with a new and brilliant tagline for my company. I felt that the tagline would solve several of my marketing.

Flip the Negative into the Positive
Flip the Negative into the Positive

I worked with an owner of a small business who was constantly frustrated over an ongoing issue with his employees. No matter how many times he explained how to fill out the time cards correctly.

Daily Success Setup
Daily Success Setup

There is a process I give to every client and team I work with that’s very simple and creates massive momentum toward living your dream business.In just ten minutes a day, you can.

Count On Yourself
Count On Yourself

My dear friend Greg Joseph told me years ago, “There is only one person you can trust in this world… yourself.” I got very frustrated with this remark until he fully explained what he meant.


The definition of commitment by Webster’s is: to entrust; a continuing obligation; a promise or pledge. No wonder some of my coaching clients cringe when I ask, “What are you committed to?” They think.

You First, Client Second
You First, Client Second

At some time in your life, you’ve probably heard someone say, “You can’t make everyone happy.” While this is probably very true, it’s irrelevant. The only person you need to be concerned.

  • I have achieved more financially than decades of working with other coaches. I have Tripled my income, have Friday's off, created multiple streams of passive income and have a very clear vision of my financial future. Jeanna showed me how to R-E-L-A-X into my business and bring in more FUN! Wohoo!!!

  • One of the smartest things I've ever done is work with Jeanna during the formation of my consulting practice. Because of her my business has grown exponentially. The amazing thing is that it’s grown at that rate (from a $30,000 solopreneur to a $1,500,000 consulting practice in 3 years) without requiring more effort AND supporting everything I’m up to in my life.

  • I used to think I was someone who did things to hold the world together but Jeanna showed me that I do things that CHANGE the world. My income increased 7 times when I went from a sales position to leadership positions and now I own my own business!

  • I've been very busy with all the manifestations I attracted working with Jeanna! I created a platinum program and it totally sold out (I even had to add more space!). I reached my goal of 6 figures in one month. Bonus: I have more peace of mind and personal power!

  • I used to only attract 3 people each time I launched a program. Jeanna drastically changed my business. I almost tripled my income last year! It’s such a gift, and relief, to finally be filling programs I'm proud of!