Suggested Books

If a book is listed, that means I’ve recommended it dozens, and even hundreds, of times to my clients. They’re also sitting on my bookshelf in my office. LOVE them. I get excited just thinking HOW good they are!

10 Minute Money Makers: How to Easily Double Your Profits in Just 10 Minutes a Day

by Jeanna Gabellini CPPC

In this ground-breaking book, Jeanna Gabellini shares 14 quick and powerful strategies to increase your profits in just a few minutes a day. If you’ve been searching for a way to pump up your bottom line without struggle, this book will point you in the right direction! You’re going to learn the real-world how-to for creating a cash infusion whenever you desire. Plus, you’ll discover the inner game strategies to continue growing your business with more fun and ease than you ever thought possible. Get ready for an exciting ride to more money, creativity and flow!

Rock Your Profits: Stress-Free Steps That Turn Your Biz Into A Badass, Money-Making Machine (MasterPeace Money Makers Book 2)

by Jeanna Gabellini CPPC

Stress free steps that turn your biz into a badass Money Making Machine


Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction: 7 Essential Ingredients for Living a Prosperous Life

by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Jeanna Gabellini CPPC, Eva Gregory CPPC

Master coaches and experts in the Law of Attraction Jeanna Gabellini and Eva Gregory and one of the superstar contributors to the The Secret, Jack Canfield, have come together to share with you the powerful and life changing lessons and techniques of the Law of Attraction.

A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail

by Bill Bryson

A hilarious true story about hiking the Appalachian Trail.

Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want

by Barbara Sher, Annie Gottlieb

Discover the effective strategies for making real change in your life.

The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship: A Toltec Wisdom Book

by Miguel Ruiz

In a refreshingly honest investigation of the true nature of love, don Miguel Ruiz brings to light the commonly held fallacies and misplaced expectations about love that permeate most relationships.

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham

by Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks

The understanding that you’ll achieve by reading this book will take all the guesswork out of daily living. You’ll finally understand just about everything that’s happening in your own life as well as in the lives of those you’re interacting with. This book will help you to joyously be, do, or have anything that you desire!

Extreme Success: The 7-Part Program That Shows You How to Succeed Without Struggle

by Rich Fettke

In this life-changing audiobook, sought-after personal coach and Xtreme athlete Rich Fettke doesn’t just lead us down the path to success, he shows us that it can be easier and, yes, more fun.

When You Eat at the Refrigerator, Pull Up a Chair: 50 Ways to Feel Thin, Gorgeous, and Happy (When You Feel Anything But)

by Geneen Roth

Geneen Roth estimates that she’s gained and lost more than 1,000 pounds during her life. That makes her uniquely qualified to write this, her sixth book, which delivers exactly what its subtitle indicates.

Networking with Millionaires… and Their Advisors

Simon & Schuster Audio

In The Millionaire Next Door, Tom Stanely identified the millionaires around you. In the Millionaire Mind, he told you how they think. Now, he tells you how to get their business.

Taming Your Gremlin: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way

by Rick Carson

There is a gremlin within you. He is the narrator in your head.He tells you who you are, and he defines and interprets your every experience. He wants you to feel bad, and he pursues this loathsome task by means of sophisticated maneuvers.

Soul without Shame: A Guide to Liberating Yourself from the Judge Within

by Byron Brown

Using straightforward language and examples from everyday life, Brown shows readers where the inner judge comes from, how it operates, why it trips us up, why there is a belief people need it, and more.

“Yes” or “No”: The Guide to Better Decisions

by Spencer Johnson

A guide to making better business decisions discusses the six-step system that uses three practical questions and three private questions to help readers recognize and focus on their true needs and improve their effectiveness.


The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, A Toltec Wisdom Book

by Don Miguel Ruiz

A guide to making better business decisions discusses the six-step system that uses three practical questions and three private questions to help readers recognize and focus on their true needs and improve their effectiveness.

The Aladdin Factor

by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen

The #1 New York Times bestselling authors of Chicken Soup for the Soul introduce readers to the Aladdin Factor — the magical wellspring of confidence and desire that turns dreams into reality.

The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity [10th Anniversary Edition]

by Julia Cameron

Recover your creativity from a variety of blocks, including limiting beliefs, fear, self-sabotage, jealousy, guilt, addictions, and other inhibiting forces and replace them with artistic confidence and productivity.

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

by Eckhart Tolle

Ekhart Tolle’s message is simple: living in the Now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment.

Focus: A Guide to Clarity and Achievement

by Rich Fettke

Rich offers practical, easy-to-use steps and inspiring stories to help you get focused, stay focused, and discover the value of present moment living.

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It

by Michael E. Gerber

This audiotape should be required listening for anyone thinking about starting a business or for those who have already taken that fateful step.

Duxter’s Leap : The Pursuit of Possibility

by Fortunato Design

This book was written to give you an opportunity to reflect upon the possibility of living a satisfying and complete life and the leap required to attain it.

Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life

by Byron Katie, Stephen Mitchell

A workbook on questioning authority — but in this case, what is in question is the authority of our own fundamental beliefs about our relationships.

Conversations with Millionaires: What Millionaires Do to Get Rich, That You Never Learned About in School!

by Mike Litman, Jason Oman

What millionaires do to get rich that you never learned about in school!

The Princess Who Believed in Fairy Tales: A Story for Modern Times

by Marcia Grad

An enchanting and inspiring story that symbolizes the journey we all take through life as we sort out illusion from reality.

The One Page Business Plan: Start with a Vision, Build a Company!

by Jim (Author) Horan

An easy-to-use process that helps you capture your vision and translate it into concrete results. For start-ups, small to mid-sized companies, corporate divisions, and non-profits.

Until Today!

by Iyanla Vanzant

Charismatic spiritual leader Iyanla Vanzant knows how easy it is to stay stuck in “old sentiments, resentments, beliefs, decisions, agreements, judgments, and ideas that may have become habitual.”

Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box

by Arbinger Institute

Learning how the process of self-deception works–and how to avoid it and stay in touch with our innate sense of what’s right–is at the heart of this book.

The Power of Focus: What the Worlds Greatest Achievers Know about The Secret of Financial Freedom and Success

by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Les Hewitt

Most people are looking to achieve more in less time, while earning enough money to live comfortably. This book reveals the proven techniques thousands of people have used to attain all of the money they wanted while living healthy, happy and balanced lives.

Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity

by Stacey Hall, Jan Brogniez

A simple strategic process for making your business so highly attractive that perfect customers and clients are naturally drawn right to you.

The Teachings of Abraham Well-Being Cards

by Jerry Hicks, Esther Hicks

A simple strategic process for making your business so highly attractive that perfect customers and clients are naturally drawn right to you.

Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior

by David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.D

A discussion and explanation of human conscious-ness. Dr. Hawkins helps to put the actions and beliefs of people into a larger context.

The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity

by Eva Gregory

Have you longed for, dreamed of, or wished for more prosperity in your life? This book presents powerful ideas and tools for creating a life that is richer, more prosperous, and more enjoyable.

The Architecture of All Abundance: Seven Foundations to Prosperity

by Lenedra J. Carroll

Ms. Carroll, the mother of singer-songwriter Jewel, relates her “rags to riches” life story and tells how you too can achieve an abundant life and fulfilling career.

The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-Being

by Hale Dwoskin

The author reveals the Sedona Method’s powerful secret for manifesting what you want in your life, while showing you how to be at ease and comfortable with what you already have.

The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth

by Mark Victor Hansen, Robert G. Allen

Is it possible to make a million dollars in only one minute? The answer just might surprise you.

Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small

by Ted Andrews

Learn how to identify your animal totem and how to invoke its energy and use it for personal growth and inner discovery

Think and Grow Rich: The 21st-Century Edition: Revised and Updated

by Napoleon Hill, Bill Hartley

Money-making secrets that will bring you a fortune and change your life.

Think and Grow Rich (Original, Unabridged Edition 12 CD Set)

by Napoleon Hill; Narrated by R.C. Ossenbach

From world-renowned motivational author Napoleon Hill comes his classic work that has inspired millions.

Heal Your Body A-Z: The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Way to Overcome Them

by Louise Hay

Bring healing to your body by learning how to replace negative emotions with positive new thought patterns.

Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires

by Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks, Wayne W. Dyer

Learn how to manifest your desires so that you’re living the joyous and fulfilling life you deserve.

The Seven Natural Laws of Love

by Deborah Anapol Ph.D.

A warm, simple and universal guide to the principles that are common to all loving relationships.

Lessons From the Richest Man that Ever Lived

by Steven K. Scott

This multimillionaire and bestselling author reveals King Solomon’s breakthrough strategies to achieve a life of financial success and personal fulfillment.

The Secret

by Rhonda Byrne

Great info on the Law of Attraction and goes beyond the movie.  Now available on Audio CD.

Co-Active Coaching, 2nd Edition: New Skills for Coaching People Toward Success in Work and, Life

by Laura Whitworth, Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House, Phillip Sandahl

This book proposes a new kind of coaching, which involves the active participation of both the coach and the client.

Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time

by Susan Scott

Scott walks readers through the individual steps she’s developed to build better associations through more robust and honest discourses.

The Seasonal Detox Diet: Remedies from the Ancient Cookfire

by Carrie L’Esperance

My favorite book for doing body cleanses and great natural food recipes.

Financial Freedom on $1 A Day

by Suzanne Kirkland Kincaid

Simplify life, Live honorably, Fulfill your personal mission, Purchase in ecological and humanitarian balance with the planet.  It’s easy as 123 – ABC as Suzanne teaches you how to create multiple streams of income with one single effort. All the proceeds from the sale of this book go to the Universal Peace & Prosperity Foundation.

FREEDOM FROM FOOD; A Quantum Weight Loss Approach

by Patricia Bisch

How long have you been wrestling with your weight? How many diets have you tried? How many times have you condemned yourself for being a failure because you think you’re overweight? Are you ready to stop struggling, enjoy eating, and still lose weight? Freedom from Food presents a revolutionary program designed by Patricia Bisch, who discovered the secret to regaining her power over food without deprivation.

Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, and Priorities of a Winning Life

by Tony Dungy

Great lessons in leadership and having faith in your strategy to win.  You 
don’t need to like football to get extreme value from this inspiring story.

Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose

by Tony Hsieh

Tim Ferriss, Author of The 4-Hour Workweek describes the book like this: This book is awesome. How Tony and Zappos grew to $1 billion in gross revenue in 10 years is just the beginning. From fundraising to finding happiness, from actual e-mails to checklists, it covers it all.  Intensely personal and intensely practical

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

by Stephen R. Covey

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, first published in 1989, is a self-help book written by Stephen R. Covey. It has sold over 15 million copies in 38 languages since first publication, which was marked by the release of a 15th anniversary edition in 2004. Covey presents an approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself to what he calls “true north” principles of a character ethic that he presents as universal and timeless.

Power Up For Profits

by Kathleen Gage

Somebody has finally put all the critical pieces to dialing in marketing for business owners in one place, in a way that’s easily digestible and it’s aligned with attraction principles.

Contagious: Why Things Catch On

by Jonah Berger

People don’t listen to advertisements, they listen to their peers. But why do people talk about certain products and ideas more than others? Why are some stories and rumors more infectious? And what makes online content go viral? 

Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business

by Gino Wickman

Real-world guidance on being a rockin’ leader of a wealthy and peaceful business. Simple-to-follow exercises that allow you to be in control of your biz, without being a control freak! LOVE!

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About Jeanna

Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who supports conscious entrepreneurs to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging attraction principles, proven strategies and fun.

Her top-tier private coaching and sold-out seminars have allowed committed entrepreneurs to blow past their self-imposed limits, ditch the drama of overwhelm and move into radical joy, inner peace and ever-increasing profits.

She is the co-author of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, along with Eva Gregory, Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield. Her newest books are 10 Minute Makers and Rock Your Profits.

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