Offering potential customers a free gift is much more than a good idea if you want to grow an email list with paying clients… I consider it a necessity.

Everyone tries to make their freebie sound like it’s going to rock your world. You enter your email address into their form in hopes of getting some life-changing info, and often you feel like you wasted your time after you get the audio, video, e-book, or report.

If you want to attract 5-star Clients, you’ve got to razzle and dazzle your peeps with some honest-to-goodness hot information or a free sample of your product or service. Brick-and-mortar businesses can join in on the fun, too. 

Why give something away when you’re working on keeping more money in your pocket?

Offering something for free or giving a bonus with a purchase can create a buzz that generates excitement. That has the potential to give you more clients, brand awareness, and increased loyalty with existing customers. It also shows off the quality of your expertise, products, and services. 

Many customers like to try before they buy.

Here’s what you need to know to make this strategy fill up your client roster…


  • Take a product or service you already have and start giving it away without some conscious thought about how it will impact your market and how it will get clients to take the next desired step in your marketing funnel.
  • Be cheap or fast. Make it good or wait until you have the time, inspiration, and resources to make your giveaway relevant and classy. This may be someone’s first and only point of contact with you. You’ll either turn them on or off. 
  • Be cheesy or pushy in your marketing. If someone follows me on social and all their posts are about getting their “free” offer, I run away. I want to know about it, but don’t cram it down my throat. Again, classy wins my vote.
  • Be chintzy about how much you give. Potential customers want a big enough taste that they can make an educated decision on investing time and money with you. Abundance attracts more abundance. I’ve given away so much of my time and expertise over the years, and I’ve never regretted a minute of it. Eventually, your fans will buy.
  • Offer a free pen and think people will buy from you. Your freebie has to match the rest of your offerings. If you’re a massage therapist, don’t offer a free ice cream. Give a 5-minute laser massage on one target area of the body, a free meditation on body relaxation, or a free class.


  • Give amazing value in the offer. Give something that could be sold on its own because it’s that good.
  • Create a graphic for the complimentary gift or bonus if it’s not a tangible item. There are many graphic artists who would happily create a book cover, CD cover, or logo for your very hot freebie to make it look professional and give it “presence”.
  • Make sure the receivers of this fabulous offer know the next step to take after they receive it. Do you want them to talk to you personally or a team member? What’s the next product or service they need to check out if they liked what they’ve gotten so far?
  • Make it easy for them to take the next step. Give them your website, contact info, or website links they need to get more information.
  • Offer your freebie on your social media pages, website, at speaking engagements, networking events, and give the gift URL in your bio underneath articles.
  • Give your gift a web page with a full description and easy URL to send folks when you’re speaking. See mine here.
  • Have fun with this. This freebie can be worth six figures or more to you each year when it converts into customers. Every time I pop a free CD in the mail or someone gets my free download, I see it as $10,000 coming back to me. I infuse it with powerful intentions.

There’s only one way to WOW people: Be deliberate about your plan and execute it with enthusiasm. Your complimentary gift is worth every penny and minute you invest in it.

Power to the giveaway!

Want to create a 6-figure freebie? Get the complete step-by-step formula at the biggest discount I’ve ever given here.