Intentional Joint Ventures

Intentional Joint Ventures

I’d been doing joint ventures (JV) for over a decade before I had a major aha moment that forever changed the way I partner with other entrepreneurs. A joint venture is a strategic alliance where two or more parties, usually businesses, form a partnership to share...
New Strategy Phobia

New Strategy Phobia

When I want something, I immediately get into action to get what I want. I don’t do a bunch of research. I’m inspired and excited, so I get my rear in gear. This isn’t always the best way to be when choosing new strategies to build your business. I’ve been burned...
Will It Deliver Your Dream?

Will It Deliver Your Dream?

A majority of the humans on this planet bumble along throughout their lives doing things they think are good for them. But most never ask a simple question, “Is this action or behavior getting me the results I most desire?” It’s no different if you’re a business...
From Whining to Shining

From Whining to Shining

Do you ever catch yourself whining like a five-year-old about your business rather than shining like a rock star CEO? We all whine, and it usually feels justified. After all, we’re simply stating the truth about the reality of our finances, overwhelm, and how...
A Spending Plan That Gives You Moola

A Spending Plan That Gives You Moola

I’m very clear that how I pay myself each month wouldn’t be endorsed by your bookkeeper or accountant.  It’s just unorthodox. (I’ll say more about this later.) But then again, the way most solopreneurs pay themselves is based on what’s left over after paying all of...
Crappy Chaos

Crappy Chaos

Chaos happens. It happens to everyone. Some people live in a constant state of chaos. It may not serve them, but they accept and react to it like it’s normal. Chaos is not normal. It’s practiced. Chaos is a direct reflection of your beliefs and how you perceive a...