Constipated Marketing

Constipated Marketing

If your marketing isn’t delivering buyers, your marketing may be constipated. 💩 Which is another way of saying you may be trying really hard to get it right. Google defines constipated as slow-moving, restricted, or inhibited in some way. Oh, my goddess. Do you see...
The Little-Known Secret to Sold-Out Offers

The Little-Known Secret to Sold-Out Offers

I coach many people who have dreams of living a lifestyle of comfort. They’d like a nice home, a secure future, and enough moola in their pocket to feel freedom.  But there’s one problem. They’ve begun to believe that they’ll never get their big dreams since they...
4 Big Little Marketing Lies

4 Big Little Marketing Lies

If you want to grow your business and attract your ideal clients and customers, you’ll have to let go of a lot of assumptions about what it takes to fill your pipeline. Let’s start off with a few common myths that may be stopping you from making moola right now! Lie...
Bite Reality

Bite Reality

It was almost time for me to be wheeled into the surgery room, and the surgeon came to see if I had any questions. He got into the details of what was going to happen and my heart started pounding! I had a tumor in the palm of my right hand, and he was going to make a...
Tragedy Can Be a Big Gift

Tragedy Can Be a Big Gift

It’s normal to have an emotional reaction when you get “bad” news. When I heard that my brother had an accident while riding his bicycle, I immediately lost my mind. I went to the worst-case scenario. “What if he died?!” In this instance, it was true. One of my most...
A Cheat Sheet for Making More Sales

A Cheat Sheet for Making More Sales

I used to hate planning. Why plan, when you can just get into action? Fortunately, and unfortunately, playing that way got me to six figures in my business. I kept doing my business the only way I’d practiced up to that point… Get an inspired idea. Throw it out to my...