I coach many people who have dreams of living a lifestyle of comfort. They’d like a nice home, a secure future, and enough moola in their pocket to feel freedom. 

But there’s one problem. They’ve begun to believe that they’ll never get their big dreams since they don’t see proof that it’s happening right now. 

The easiest way to bring in the big bucks is to leverage the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is using positive thoughts backed by positive emotion to attract positive results and is supported by science. 

In quantum physics, just observing something can affect its outcome, hinting that our thoughts might influence reality.

 On the neuroscience side, studies show that the more you think positively, the more your brain rewires itself to support those thoughts and actions; this is called neuroplasticity. 

Plus, mirror neurons in the brain help us mimic successful behaviors when we focus on them. 

So it doesn’t matter what your financial status has been up to this point, you can start to shape a new future by locking onto a new goal with new thoughts. 

When I was at my lowest point in my business, barely making ends meet… the one thing I did right for myself was to get very clear in my mind that I would find a way to pay all my bills. I also decided that I would not dip into my retirement fund or borrow the money. I made those policies because that’s what felt good for me. 

Because I was committed to paying the bills, I always found a way. Sometimes the way found me. The important thing to remember is to get very clear on what you do want, instead of trying to protect yourself from what you don’t want to happen. 

It’s easy to slip into a pattern of spending a majority of your time projecting fearful thoughts about not having enough money into your future. You may think and say, “I don’t want to go into debt. I don’t want to be late on my bill payments. I don’t want to lose my house. I don’t want to struggle forever.”

Keep bringing yourself back to what you do want.

I like to start the process by getting clear on my big, outrageous goals. You may not be able to dream big right away if you have had recent hardships. Just go as big as you can. Next, I ask myself, “What do I want in the next six months? What are the six most important things for me to be, have, or achieve? What about in a month? This week?” I always write these out or print them off my computer. Then I post in several places to be seen daily. You have to keep your eye on the end result or you will get bogged down in the obstacles staring you in the face.

Every moment you have an opportunity to begin your path to prosperity. If you fall back into old patterns, quickly forgive yourself and begin again. Most importantly, remember to have fun in this attraction game. Most people get very serious and stressed about makin’ moola. Those who see it as a game are less attached and end up attracting more.

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