Some years ago, I was out with some friends, and somebody did something that I potentially could have been upset over.

In the past, if this same incident would’ve happened, I might have had an intense emotional reaction. But I noticed that I thought I should have a reaction now.

I questioned my nonreaction…

Should I be mad?

Maybe I should have a chat with my friend telling them how “uncool” their action was.

But the truth was, I wasn’t upset. The questions to myself were from an old way of thinking. Patterns of thinking that I’d given up a long time ago.

So, why were those lingering old patterns popping up still?

Were they a test from the Universe?

No. They were simply resurfacing “shoulds” I’d acquired out of fear, and I was feeling a bit of insecurity.

I’ve witnessed many clients having the same reactions about debt or how much money their business is pulling in.

They’ve worked consistently to feel, think, and act prosperous. They’re attracting more wealth into their life, and then they start feeling bad about debt that’s still not paid off.

They fear whether they can really ever get ahead or that once paid, the debt will come back. Then they beat themselves up for having gotten off the worry train.

The irony is that once you get off the “I should be worrying” pattern of thought, you are then free to attract the very thing you want!

“Should I be worried about that debt?” they ask. I’ll ask them if they have created a plan of action to pay off the debt.

If they haven’t, then we’ll create a plan that feels good to them. Sometimes creating the plan is enough to put them at ease about their debt.

But the key, whether a plan has been in place or not, is to look at what “shoulds” or “rules” you have running around in your brain about debt. These self-created, worrisome thoughts are the problem, not the actual debt.

I am certainly not promoting debt. Debt is not my favorite thing either! But to worry about something out of habit, when you were really okay with it, isn’t a productive thing to do.

Feeling that you should be concerned with something comes straight from one of your parent’s, friend’s, or mentor’s mouths.

I hear people tell me all the time that I’m too compassionate and forgive people too easily. I have even caught myself thinking that I “should” hold a fiercer stance with people or give ’em hell when they do me wrong.

But those aren’t my natural thoughts! Those are thoughts I picked up from other people that make me doubt my way of living.

There is nothing to really be concerned about in life except for living in a way that makes you feel joyful.

Worrying is the same as being concerned. These feelings come from fear. If you feel either of these emotions, ask yourself if there is truly a problem that needs solving or if it is simply a figment of your imagination.

Don’t ignore the voices in your head… separate the self-made lies from your powerful truth.

I know it feels hard to give up the habit of worrying and feeling stress about your lack of money, success, or love.

What if you could never, even if you tried really hard, worry again?

What would it be like to not worry yourself into a frazzled state of mind?

Next time you’re caught in an old pattern, remind yourself that you have a choice. You can continue to worry and fret, or you can settle down into a peaceful state of mind.

Which way of thinking will give you what you want faster?

What do you think about living worry-free?