Mind Games Visualizations Audio
Mind Games is for anyone who wants to ground themselves in peace and possibilities.
Guided visualizations are a virtual journey to take you out of your “thinking” mind and into your “creating” mind. These visualizations are active mind exercises injected with fun and will leave you feeling content, magical, uplifted, and inspired.
“When you deliberately conjure an image for the purpose of creating, we want you to understand that, well, often people think “I’m going to sit and do my creating now.” And we want you to understand that all that visualization is, is practicing the vibration of what you already asked for in. This is just vibrational practice. All that visualizing is not making something happen. It’s letting something that’s already happened in. That’s such an important distinction. You’re not creating with your affirmations, you’re not creating with your visualizations, you are practicing a vibration that lets it in. So, the more practicing you do, the more you set a tone that lets more in.” — Abraham Hicks
When your mind is positively focused, you will be in alignment with every desire you want to attract. Mind Games has visualizations for stepping into your power, chilling out, creating wealth, improving your health, clarifying your goals and your next action steps. Each visualization is no longer than 11 minutes.
“Audio Tracks”
- Introduction — Jeanna explains how to use the visualizations for the most impact.
- Today, I’m Unstoppable (4:25 min.) Get yourself in that manifesting zone. This visualization is for amping up your energy and stepping into your power. This will set up your day for success.
- Make the Goal Real (5:06 min.) Tap into all of your senses and make your important goals more vivid.
- Mansion of Inspiration (7:55 min.) Be transported into a magical mansion. There you will find the perfect inspired actions to take towards your desires. Solidify that you are indeed on the right track!
- Dealing With Healing (10:27 min.) Get back in the driver’s seat with your body. You have the ability to heal anything less than ideal with your health.
- Feast Your Eyes on Abundance (4:46 min.) Jump into a river of abundance. There will be always more than enough wealth for you.
- Action Retraction (6:38 min.) Get rid of that feeling that you have to do more in order to manifest your desires. Let go of trying to figure it all out.
- Big Ticket Item (7:29 min.) Get in alignment with manifesting one of your goals that you perceive you can’t afford.
- Out With the Old (9:46 min.) This visualization is like taking a vacuum and sucking up all past and present negative feelings in every area of your life. Clean up your energy and head so you can let in all the good stuff you deserve.
“Thank you for connecting me with my loving guide and the Mansion of Inspiration. The room where I can get ideas if inspired action to move me towards my goals!
I love, love, love the Today, I’m Unstoppable visualization. It’s going onto my ipod to be played every day. I was instantly transported into a wonderful place and felt peace regarding the things I want and have requested from the universe. As the mediation ended I felt infused with magic!” Rinatta Paries, Love Coach
“…has helped me to allow health and well being to expand in my life”
“I loved her guided meditations, which opened me up to the reality of my total 100% good health and perfect body. I had an “in the present experience” that I could feel all over. I felt so open, relaxed and happy. I know that this place has helped me to allow health and well being to expand in my life. Thank you Jeanna!” Anne Nayer, MSW, “Coach Paradise”
“Mind Games calms and grounds me…”
“I can easily quiet the mind chatter by focusing on the music and words spoken on Mind Games. I’m not always in the mood for traditional meditation where the goal is to completely clear the mind, but similar to meditation, Mind Games calms and grounds me. I feel much more centered and aligned after just 10 minutes. I’ve gotten into a routine of doing at least one Mind Game daily, and it definitely works as a quick way to get me out of my head and more focused for whatever the day brings. Whenever I get confused or worried about a particular goal, I find that the Action Retraction visualization really helps me let go of trying to figure it all out. For someone like me, who’s very analytical and in her head, it’s been a godsend!” Julie Sykes
Jeanna, I can’t thank you enough”
“I had been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease two years ago. I had purchased Jeanna’s CD Mind Games at her live event last year and one of the guided visualizations is on health. Three months ago, I started listening to it every morning. And two weeks ago, I was told that I no longer have Crohn’s! 🙂 Jeanna, I can’t thank you enough.” Demi Karpouzos
“You have a unique way of allowing one to relax…”
“A big “Thank You” for creating such a wonderful gift with Mind Games. Your voice is incredibly soothing and the images one can create in the mind are boundless. You have a unique way of allowing one to relax and really enjoy focusing on what they want in their life and future. I’ve been using visualization for several years; however, it’s great to experience different ways to visualize, which you deliver so beautifully in this product. Thank you, Jeanna!” Julie Tiffee
“Absolutely Fabulous, Powerful and Inspiring!”
“I have a ton of meditation CDs, but this one resonated with me in such a new light. I think this will be a nice added habit for me. Very refreshing in so many ways.” Arthur Fletcher, https://www.FBonacci.com
Start learning TODAY how to bring your “practices” in line with your goals.
“Mind Games Guided Visualizations” is available in two formats:

MP3 File
Audio CD
You will have access to the MP3 file within moments after your order is approved. The CD will be shipped within 24 hours.

Mind Games CD & Speed Dial the Universe Notebook – $44.94 (Plus Shipping)
Speed Dial the Universe Journal – Take ten minutes a day to get clear on your most important actions for the day, clarity on what is already working, expand and amp up your top desires and so much more! Everything you need to get aligned each day in one place!
Mind Games MP3 & Speed Dial to Profits eBook download – Combo
“I have been listening to it everyday since I got it!”
“Jeanna I love the Mind Games CD. I have been listening to it everyday since I got it. This pre-paves the day for me. Of course, I especially love track 4…into the woods I go and track 6 down by the stream! You have a little bit of everything!” Shelly Steffen Byrne, Tree Climbing Facilitator
“I love them both!”
“Just wanted to email you to say a big thanks. I have purchased your Speed Dial the Universe and Mind Game Visualisations; I love both products and have had great results using them. I am loving your style, honest, upbeat and fun!! I plan to start my own practice and when I do, I plan to hire you as my coach to help my business grow into the success I know it can be.” Emily Hill
“They are effective!”
“A quick thank you to Jeanna Gabellini for the Mind Games Visualization audio tracks.”
Cale McCabe
“I’ve noticed a big difference in my life!”
“I’ve listened to the Mind Games CD every morning and written in the Speed Dial the Universe journal since I received my first copy. I did miss two days and felt like something was missing on those days. I’ve noticed a big difference in my life. I’ve found a perfect VA and classes that have taught me just what I need. I’m much happier and in control of my life. I take more time off and only work in the evening (when I’m at my best.) There are mornings when I wake up and have answers and ideas that I truly believe are downloads from the Universe. I love the visualizations!” Jackie Holl
“Mind Games empowered me to move forward with the energy and focus!”
“What is different about Mind Games, compared to other visualizations? I am a little ADHD, and I love that Mind Games visualizations move at a quick pace. Jeanna talks in a normal everyday voice, like she is right there talking to you as a friend. She “leaves the canvas blank” for you and simply guides you to use your own inner guidance to move in the direction you desire. Jeanna doesn’t add any of her ideas of what success, happiness or health looks like. Jeanna’s voice and words empowered me to move forward with the energy and focus!” Tracie Irvine