This week I’m changing things up. Instead of an article from me, I’m sharing a poem from my dear friend, Will Corley. I consider him pure genius when it comes to business leadership coaching.

Do not read this if you’re going to skim. It is to be taken to heart. It can be applied to any area of your life. I ask that you look deep into yourself to see where you may not be awake. Where do you hide, or make do? Let’s shake up those patterns. It’s time to create a new story.


I see the patterns that form our lives

Algorithms we create, shape

Binding us together

quite capable of pulling us apart.

What does this mean

In the scheme of things?

What can we

I learn from these patterns

that stare at us but we don’t see?

Where we find pain out of complacency.

Because it is here

we circled again and again.

I see it in the eyes of friends.

I awaked (not necessary on my own accord)

unwitting accomplices with so much at stake.

Our life together, as we knew, heard the drum roll.

Now I lay awake

To what is possible

To who we are

To what we were

What we can be

In its wake.

Knowing whether we know it or not

We are shapers of our fate

But here is the key

It happens everyday

We naturally or least I did

Get lazy

Even smug

In our reality,

that dance, the dance

we create between us.

Rarely speaking of

or addressing what we knew.

My message is it is never too late

to escape these patterns that have become

like our neighbor next door

like clothes to tight

not feeling just right.

We feel the pull

the weight of gravity,

of these patterns of the night.

Some are lights

friends in the dark

Binding us together.

Only to pull us apart.

Some are lights lighting our way.

Who’s to say.

What does it mean

What can we

learn from these patterns that grip us.

These patterns shaping us.

The trick is to create light

from these shadows shadowing us

circling our lives.

Once seen for what they are,

we must

engage each other

bring honesty to the table,

The time to deny is over

we awake

no longer unwitting accomplices sealing our fate.

To seek then what is possible.

What we can become.

What we can be.

Together or not.

Creating new patterns

circling like eagles

seeking to believe

seeing now with new eyes

once so blurred now seems so clear

landing who knows where.

Finding new patterns

slipping on like rings

rediscovering who we are

in old and new relationships

In fields of tall grass

where we might dream.

where we might truly release who we are.

Take a breath.

Take a step into what awaits,

even though the life you created

beckons you back.

What awaits

is beyond your horizon,

is far from assured or comfortable,

and yet can you not feel the breeze,

a breeze to what is new,

what is free,

You understand now, what must grow from what is old,

Preparing for what

will arrive.

To ponder what is

already forming,




every day





our lives

Can you not see

these patterns

sometimes like dim lights

but always if we look close enough

in plain sight.

Dr. Will Corley has been an Executive Coach since 1998. He has worked as a psychologist, manager, and educator for 20 years with a unique understanding of people, business and leadership. Will coaches business professionals and teams to reveal existing leadership skills and reach their potential as leaders.