I was flipping through a home decorating magazine and it caught my attention.

Hidden in an article on vanities (dressing tables) it said, “Few of us lead a life at such a leisurely pace today, yet the need for personal ritual and time for oneself is perhaps stronger than ever before.” Ah, so true, so true!

It’s like a disease, this feeling that we need to always get more done. The belief that we have to be in constant action if we want results is a lie.

Many people open their eyes in the morning and a few moments later their mind is racing about what they must complete in the day.

If you focus on getting it all done in order to feel peace, you’ll never have peace.

Living at a leisurely pace does not mean that you’ll be bored, manifest at a snail’s pace or not be productive.

We once flew across the country in our little two-seater plane. Going 125 mph is s-l-o-w for a plane and yet our adventure quotient was very high.

We saw so many things that a faster plane would never catch.

We landed in fields where there was nothing to see for miles but nature.

We did loops around Mt. Rushmore and met fabulous people in every town we landed.

We arrived in perfect timing everywhere to experience the most perfect things.

I love being in action. But there’s a better way to manifest financial prosperity, an organized house, happy relationships and a feeling of peace than plowing through actions.

Personal rituals should always be your top priority each day. When you do these, you connect to your inner guidance and you’ll make wise decisions for yourself and others through out your day.

Rituals and quiet time set a tone of peace rather than chaos for the remainder of your day.

They don’t need be deep or complicated. They just need to give you a sense of peace when you do them.

Here are some ritual ideas to drop you into a state of flow…

  • Walking
  • Sipping of tea or coffee while reading or gazing outside
  • Meditation
  • Listening to a guided visualization
  • Writing down your desires for the day or beyond in vivid detail
  • Tai Chi, Yoga, or some other grounding exercise
  • Picking a card from an inspirational deck of cards
  • Reading a passage from an inspiring book
  • Writing in a gratitude journal
  • Writing in your Speed Dial the Universe journal
  • Answering a journal prompt
  • Go to the beach or lay in the grass

It’s important to enjoy your rituals rather than making them another action on your daily to-do list.

Once you complete your ritual(s) it’s important to keep at a leisurely pace for the rest of the day. When you slow down, you will be able to hear what and where your intuition is guiding you.

You’ll take actions that lead to more money, love and peace than you could ever attain by living your life in the fast lane.