Have you ever pushed for the Really Big Idea? You know, the one that will tap into that vein of gold that increases customers and revenue? Or maybe you were looking for The Perfect Way™ to cure the headaches of dealing with your team?
Whenever I try really hard to come up with a plan to make a quantum leap in my business, I’m usually disappointed.
Looking for the big idea is often the result of desperation—focusing on what’s not working in your business. Not the greatest setup for finding the mother lode.
There’s a better way to connect with your ideal solution. But first, you have to stop forcing things to work.
Over a decade ago, I created a way to generate more conversations with my target market. Some people took me up on my offer, but the payoff wasn’t what I’d expected.
Then everything changed. I hit the jackpot!
I was a guest expert on a telesummit focused on self-love. I wasn’t making an offer—a pitch to sell something—but I wanted a way to capture leads.
Self-love is not my core message, so I had to create a strategy that worked well with the topic yet still got my message across: I help business owners double their profit and double their fun.
The timing of this summit came when I was knee-deep in preparation for a big launch. Not having much time to spend on this, yet wanting to make something out of it, I asked myself:
• What would create value for the participants?
• How could I get them to reach out to me for a conversation?
• How could I do it and not sound like a used car salesman?
• What would be easy for me to create?
• Could I tweak, then reuse, something I’d already created?
I immediately had an idea, so easy that I questioned the value of it. I took two things I had already created and put them together to make an outstanding bonus. Next, I put together a simple opt-in page to download the bonus. Then, I put an email follow-up sequence in place to be sent to their inbox once they downloaded it.
A couple more opportunities came up for guest expert appearances, and I decided to use this same bonus but changed the name of it to better fit the target market.
What happened next stunned me. Dozens of people reached out to me every week to ask for my help to increase their profits while creating more joy in their business. I had appointments for the next two months. The response was overwhelming, and it didn’t stop.
I was amazed mostly because the whole thing took me only an hour or two to put in place.
I wasn’t attached to its success because I was preoccupied with other projects. I wasn’t trying hard to get results and yet I landed on the best strategy I’ve ever put in place to generate leads.
This strategy was simple yet fun for me to put together. It never occurred to me that it would get such an amazing response.
But that’s the way it usually happens with success in any part of your business. You relax and the ideas fall into place beautifully. If you get tense and try hard to make something happen, it inches along ever so slowly or comes to a grinding halt.
What would happen to your team, lead generators, offerings, and marketing if you got curious about what would be easy? I’m setting up permanent residence on Easy Street. Come visit.
Loved this article, just what I needed to read in this moment.