Expecting to win at any endeavor is a successful attitude, one that will set you up for massively fabulous manifestations. But, too often, you may find yourself bracing yourself for the worst possible outcomes.
Common thoughts that will drive you to prepare for the worst:
- What if the contract falls through? -The deadline is coming and I don’t have what I need.
- My house isn’t selling and I need it to sell.
- I need money now because I’m broke.
- I haven’t heard from _________. It must mean something bad.
- My mate is not doing what I need. Nothing will ever change.
- My child is doing poorly at school. I don’t know what to do.
- I tried that before and it didn’t work.
- This is too good to be true. It was too easy.
- I can never find good help.
- The government has their head up their _____.
- I’ve tried all the right stuff and I still don’t have new revenue.
When you flirt with these thoughts, you begin to make decisions about what your outcome will be. You begin bracing yourself for a less than ideal outcome and anticipate future struggle. This sets up a chain of events that totally supports your fearful or cautious mind. Then, you get to be right about your fears.
May I suggest that you stop bracing yourself for the worst or anything less than your ideal outcome? Brace yourself for success! You take completely different actions when planning for success.
Let’s take the example of bracing yourself for losing a bid, contract, or potential client. If you have communication via email, phone, or in person, you are driven by trying to convince them to go with you. You might even pester them with requests to move forward. Or they may sense your neediness, lack of confidence, or pushiness and be turned off.
On the other hand, if you brace yourself for getting the job or client, you act with confidence and grace. Your strategies, conversations, and intuition serve you in a very positive way. Why play unless you think you will be successful? The alternative is painful. Choose to embrace success!
What is one thing you can do today that will help you embrace success? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.
You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs and their teams to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging intention, systems and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: https://masterpeacecoaching.com/freecd