
When I first named my business MasterPeace Coaching & Training, I envisioned all my clients playing BIG, peace-ing out, and having a good time. 

I had no idea how many people thought I was crazy. Their belief was that you either made a lot of money or you had fun. They didn’t think it was possible that you could have both simultaneously. 

Fun is the path to more clients and money if you want a true lifestyle business.

But so often we’re wound up tight trying not to make a mistake in our business and screw the whole thing up. 

We’re so focused on putting our head down to be more productive that we couldn’t see Bozo the Clown if he were standing right in front of us.

We save all the fun for after-hours… instead of using it ALL hours.

You gotta start by caring less about what potential clients, colleagues, and biz experts think… and let your mind get creative and outrageous. 

What can you imagine having today in your business? This week?

Some years ago before my brother died, I met him and some friends at my favorite bar/restaurant near where our boat used to be docked. 

After enjoying some fish tacos and a mai tai (my fav fun drink), we headed out for some waterskiing. Near the end of the day, we saw several boats idling near a small island with summer houses.

I pulled out my movie camera for what unfolded next. 

A guy in a boat in the water had thrown a ski rope to the shore, with one end connected to the boat. A guy on shore grabbed the rope and then hosed down a 40-foot-long strip of plastic that was laid out like a red carpet from where he was to the edge of the water.

Then, to our delight, the guy on shore gave the thumbs-up signal and belly flopped onto the plastic. The boat took off and pulled the guy down the plastic toward a small cliff. He then flew through the air and dropped into the water. 

There was lots of cheering from all the boats gathered around and the dozens of people on shore watching. I kept thinking, “This is something you’d see on YouTube!”

When was the last time you let your hair fully down and did something super fun or crazy in your marketing? 

How would your inner teenager market?

When was the last time you intentionally included fun in your product, program, or service?

What would it look like to fully let your hair down in your business? <- Now there’s a good journal prompt!

If you want fun business ideas, you have to be intentional about fun. I suggest at least once a day, setting aside your to-do list and responsibilities and doing something spontaneous and enjoyable. 

Walk into a new shop, peruse new websites, read the funnies… just do something unproductive. 

Abundance will find you when you’re relaxed or having some good clean (or dirty!) fun. You have to make space for fun.

The more you focus on fun, the more fun will find you.

In fact, there is nothing better for your business than letting your hair down. Any energy that resembles pushing, trying hard, working hard, or stress is a recipe for disaster. 

If you catch yourself attached to an outcome and trying to squeeeeze it into place, let go.

Ask yourself, “What sounds fun right now?” 

Then follow your own guidance and watch your business grow… and flow.