Are you here … present and reading this article, or is a part of your brain somewhere else?
Nothing really matters except how you feel right now. Focusing your energy on the past or future won’t give you much pleasure if you’re not finding joy in the now.
Being present is totally under rated as a solution to creating a profitable business. How many times are you talking to a potential customer and catch yourself thinking about how much you need the sale or wondering what they think about you?
Do you multi-task? Do you have the call interrupt feature on your phone? Do you read emails when on the phone? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it means that you are fragmenting your focus. And you don’t have access to your Inner Business Expert (aka divine guidance).
I’m no pro at being present. I practice bringing my attention back to now when I catch myself being distracted by other thoughts or stimuli in front of me. In fact, today I found myself distracted by what was on my computer monitor while coaching a client. As soon as I noticed what was happening, I told my client that I was moving into another room so that I would stay present. Even telling my client this made me more present.
I practice being present when I hike a hill nearby. Sometimes my focus becomes consumed with getting to the top, as I huff and puff my way up. Then I remember to look around and enjoy the view of the bay and the bridges. I remind myself to stop and catch my breath before moving on. Focusing on breathing in and out is a sure fire way to bring me back to now.
Do a check in with yourself right now in this moment. What’s your mood? Do you have any niggles of anxiety? Are you aware of how your body feels in your chair? Are you breathing?
Simply becoming aware of how you feel can put you in a state of ease.
If you find yourself rushing to or through anything, it’s a good indicator that you are not fully present.
If you are thinking, yeah, yeah, yeah I already know this, then you’re not being present. I urge you to practice being present because there is no better way to download new rockstar business plans. Once you become present you have the awareness to powerfully choose the perfect people, practices, strategies and systems to rock your profits.
If you struggle with attracting money, finding awesome team members or getting out of overwhelm, there is only one place to begin … right here. Right where you are. If you can be okay with where you are right now, even if it’s miles away from your ultimate goal, you have the beginning of a profitable turnaround.
Where you are is where you are and there is no good reason to resist it, judge it or push through it. The fastest way through any meltdown moment is to simply be in it with no resistance and then ta da … BREAKTHROUGH!
Ah, let’s all take a moment to breathe in….and out. Are you here now?
You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs and their teams to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging intention, systems and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: