Year End Wrap UpThe end of the year can either be one of the most relaxing times of the year or hectic. Sometimes it’s a little of both. The preparation for the holidays and travel are only a part of the year-end priorities.

The end of the year is a good time for reflection on what has been and what you’d like to create for the coming year. You may be planning time to create your goals for the new year but then find yourself buried in the “to-do’s” of the current time.

It’s also easy to put off creating your plan for the coming year because it brings up the painful reality of the goals you did not manifest in the past year. I’m here to tell you, “Let the year-end wrap-up be EASY BREEZY!”

So what that you didn’t nail everything on your wish list for the year?!

If you’re like me, you’re very ambitious when you make your goal list in the beginning of the year. You think this will be the year that you accomplish more than ever. And that might be true. But face it, you get inspired to take action in different directions as the year moves on. Some projects are more complicated or time consuming than you planned.

It’s ALL normal. What is most important is that you enjoy each thing that you take action toward in the moment, not worrying about all the unfinished business in other areas.

I invite you to appreciate anything you did accomplish in the past year. If you accomplished nothing, then appreciate the clarity and lessons learned from your experience. You can take those lessons forward as you plan for the coming year.

When I create my plan for the year, I keep it simple and make sure it all fits on one page. More than one page feels like waaaay too much to do in a year. I teach my clients to create a HELL YES! plan each year. I’ve created a simple process that ensures success. The most important factor of this plan is that you love every little thing on it.

The plan isn’t written in permanent ink. You can change it anytime you feel inspired during the year. I am a big believer in creating the plan now. Don’t wait until a few months into the year.

Think of this plan as your order form to the Universe. As soon as you write it, the Universe can begin to line up the resources, people, and ideas for you to manifest it.

Be mindful not to let reality spoil the magic of creating your plan. Two years in a row I had “house on the water” on my HELL YES! plan. Reality told me that not many waterfront houses went on the market, and when they did they were well over a million dollars. Reality said I wasn’t financially ready to buy a two-million-dollar home.

Luckily, I knew the Universe always supports my decisions. I decided to buy a house in 2009 and refused to look at anything under $550,000. I looked at anything that advertised having a water view. One day my mate told me about a house with a view that wasn’t even on the market yet. That was the house we ended up buying… at under $400,000. And it had the BEST view of any home I’d previously looked at, even in the million-dollar range!

Sure, we spent money remodeling it, but the point is, I got the dream house when reality said, “No way, Jose!” The Universe gave me even more than I imagined when it came to this property. So, don’t let money, time, or any other circumstance limit what you put on that HELL YES! plan.

The only thing you must remember is that you are worthy of any goal you put on that plan. Make the decision that it will be yours, and you will be golden.

What’s on your list for 2017? Tell me!



You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who makes it effortless and exciting for conscious entrepreneurs to attract all the clients they want without doing more, working more, or marketing more. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: