What happens in the space when there is no thought?  Enlightened thought.  The mind is a focusing machine.  There is no such thing as no thought.  But the most powerful information can come in when there is white space.

Think about it.  A white space is like an empty canvas just beckoning inspiration to come forth.  Nothing is on the canvas and then the thought appears.  You make a stroke with your pencil or paintbrush.  Now there is something on the canvas.

The first thing that appears on the canvas inspires the next thing to be created from your divine guidance.

  • How often do you allow yourself to create white space?
  • How often does the white space call to you?
  • Do you give in?
  • When you go to it, do you crave more?

You are called to the white space throughout your day.  Listen.  When it calls, set aside the paperwork, emails or simply stop talking. You may receive ideas, specific actions, lessons or images.  When you reach in, you may just feel more of YOU.  You’ll feel connected to the pulse of the Universe.  It feels very alive in the white space.

Reach in now.  Feel for it.  It’s there.  You may need to focus on your breath for a few moments before you find it. It has something for you.  Take it.  Enjoy it. Savor it.  Then go back for more.

“Why?” you ask.  Because that’s where you expand.   That’s where transformation, ideas and solutions happen.

There is peace in white space.

Share your responses to the questions above in the comments below.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs and their teams to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging intention, systems and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: https://masterpeacecoaching.com/freecd