2011 is half over … do you crave a massive change in the prosperity department?
Prosperity is a game which we learned long ago when doubling and tripling our income. When played with deliberate focus you will win every time. Let us show you how attraction principles work – we’re experts on the Law of Attraction – and we’ll put YOU in the driver’s seat of your prosperity.
It’s time you won. Don’t you agree?!
We have seen people in our programs do just this, over and over again. They had no special talents or secret weapons. They just implemented the steps they were given. Look at what they have to say here: https://www.theprosperitygame.com
Are you willing to play a different game?
We shared the first steps on how to create deliberate prosperity in our complimentary teleclass this month. Were you there? If not, you can register to listen to the replay.
It takes some intentional focus and practice but everyone can increase their wealth set point. Our 4-month teleclass is designed to shift your thinking, apply what you learn in real time and see the results.
THE LAST TIME we are offering The Prosperity Game on Steroids is July 13th!
You’ll spend four months immersed in a new way of thinking, being and doing. Unlimited coaching for unlimited prosperity. Everything you need is right here.
Check it Out: https://www.theprosperitygame.com
It’s time to learn to manifest in the easy way the Universe designed it to be for you!
In support and prosperity,
Jeanna & Eva