Success is often not pretty. We can be falling to pieces behind the scenes but the show must go on. You have to keep your big boy/girl pants on and keep doing the things you know to bring the money in the door.

No matter what stage of the game you’re in, there are going to be times where you are financially suffering. You and your team will make embarrassing mistakes. You will say something stupid to a potential customer. There will be dry spells with your creative ideas.

But none of these things needs to be an emotional crisis or the demise of your success. The faster you accept what is happening in the moment, the faster you can move back into your mojo. Remember, every situation is temporary. The bleakest moments in your business can mean the biggest breakthroughs, right?

Ten years ago, my entire life was in shambles. My boyfriend went crazy (literally) and when I left him he wanted revenge. My fear was triggered and I began to put all of my focus on keeping myself from not being robbed or physically hurt. The more I tried to find safety, the more horrible things happened.

I stopped paying attention to my business. When I finally pulled my head out of the land of fear, I saw that I was in debt and no new clients had signed on in months. Ruh roh. I was in deep doo doo. And to top it all off, I wasn’t able to tap into my creativity to get some much needed solutions to this volcano of a problem. I felt like a loser.

Back then my entire message was about extreme abundance and I was in extreme scarcity. Then I layered guilt on top of all my other yucky feelings. I thought, "How can I coach about abundance when I don’t feel abundant?"

My stress and guilt about my situation caused me to suffer the most. And it kept me in bondage for almost a year! If I could do it all over again, I would’ve not made a big deal about any of it.

The best leaders keep their head on even when the shizzle hits the fan.

When you stop judging yourself by your circumstances you have power, freedom and more control of your results.

You see, I don’t need money in my bank account to coach others to be more abundant. I have a coaching client right now who is currently worth nine figures. I’m worth nowhere near that. Guess why they hired me? To be more abundant!

You can be at your worst moment and still attract investors, clients, amazing team members, cash flow and come up with bestselling ideas. You are your thoughts, not your circumstances.

What can you reveal that you have been hiding? Share below!.

I’ll be sharing more naked truths about success in the Experts in the Raw telesummit. There’s no cost and we got naked — really! — for the photo shoot. Get access here.

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