The Gold in Feedback You’re constantly getting feedback from…
  • Friends
  • Strangers
  • Family
  • Colleagues

And your…

  • Business
  • Body
  • Bank account
  • Emotions

But are you listening? I mean really listening?

The feedback you receive from other people is coming through their filters and opinions. While it’s not necessarily all true, it’s still incredibly valuable.

Every piece of feedback you receive is a direct match to something that you’re putting out in the world.

For example, if your body aches, then there is some stress or worry in your life that you haven’t addressed.

If somebody says that you’re a jerk, even if you swear up and down that you’re not, you have some vibrational match to this person’s reaction to you.

If your income isn’t growing like you want, this is feedback that you need to deal with fears around safety, your value, or abundance.

Is all feedback true to some degree? Yes, although you may have to do a little digging to receive the real translation of the feedback.

If I promote a program and it doesn’t fill up, does that mean my promotional copy doesn’t work? No. The feedback, in general, tells me that something didn’t quite feel right within me about the class. Maybe I didn’t resonate with the promo copy. It could also mean:

  • I wasn’t in love with the content.
  • I wasn’t aligned with the price.
  • I didn’t believe the class would sell out.

But the fact that the class had minimal attendance is feedback that I need to consider.

Feedback is happening in positive ways, too!

When you feel joy during an activity, that’s feedback that you should do similar things more often. It also lets you know that you’re making choices that serve you well.

Feedback is happening in every moment. Tune into it and you’ll have exactly what you need to rock any area of your life.  

What’s an example of feedback YOU have been receiving that you now recognize?  How will you use it to your advantage now?



 You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists conscious entrepreneurs to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging attraction principles, proven strategies and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: