Focused on MoneyI’m often asked how I doubled, or tripled, my income in a short amount of time. My answer is usually so simple that it often doesn’t make a lasting impression upon those who hear the answer. They go back into their business and sift through all the other strategies they’ve heard will grow businesses and then get into massive action.

Or they procrastinate and complain.

And not much changes.

The strategies that make the biggest change in your income are often the least complicated, but take the most amount of faith. Faith that the inner work you do will change your outer circumstances. Faith that you can have wealth regardless of the people, strategies and resources in your life.

I call my secret weapon for success the ‘Double A Strategy’: Appreciation and Eager Anticipation.

During Thanksgiving, everyone is talking about appreciation. But they are preaching that you should appreciate the good things in your current life. While that is a great way to lift your mood and relax you, often it’s not enough to change your life. And that’s because most people see it as a list that they rattle off, citing what they are grateful for, but then moving right back into the same mindset about their life and financial situation.

Again, not much changes. You have a moment of ‘feel good’ and then it’s back to reality.

But I use appreciation with a bit of a twist. I appreciate all that I have now and all that is coming. I used this technique to get out from under a pile of debt and double my income in nine months. I began appreciating what little money I did have to pay some of my bills and appreciated the few coaching clients I already had. I also appreciated the money that I envisioned coming to me in the future.

I was eagerly anticipating my debt decreasing and my income increasing, even though I had no idea how that was going to happen. My focus skipped over my current reality of broke and unsuccessful. I focused on what was coming and I thanked God every day that I was going to be back to my old self: inspired, empowered and making six-figures.

I let go of the shame, frustration and bewilderment of my journey to rock bottom. Instead, I was eagerly anticipating my rise to financial freedom. I looked forward to telling people how I’d been able to overcome a rough patch in my business so I could inspire them to do the same.

And while in the process of paying down debt, I appreciated every single dollar I could pay above the minimum payment required. I appreciated every dollar of income and did not complain that it wasn’t enough.

I also began to focus in a way that made me feel in control. I chose not to worry about growing my business but being the best I could be with what I had at the moment.

It worked. It worked better than any other strategy I tried. And it worked fast. What I thought might be a five-year recovery took only nine months. It was a powerful life lesson on the power of appreciation and eager anticipation.

This was the same strategy I used to heal a broken elbow. After my surgery I looked forward to hearing my doctor say I was a miracle patient. I appreciated that I could use my legs and my right arm. I anticipated that my body would still maintain a level of fitness I was used to even though I couldn’t lift weights at the gym (in those days I was a hard-core, six-day-a-week girl).

During my last doctor’s appointment, my surgeon told me he was blown away when he looked at my x-rays. He said even though he didn’t believe in ‘woo woo’ stuff, that he thinks there was something to my positive thinking. I think he’s a smart doctor.

Appreciate and be in eager anticipation for what is coming. It will help you enjoy your "right now" moment and act as a magnet for the very thing you want. Money will begin to show up in ways you had never dreamed of.

And you will appreciate that!

What will be your ‘Double A Strategy’? Share below!