Some years back I met a magical woman who teaches entrepreneurs how to tell stories that captivate their audience on their websites, workshops, webinars and more. Since then she’s been a guest speaker to my tribe, one of my top JV partners, a friend and my client. This article will blow you away. Meet Lisa Bloom.
By Lisa Bloom, Story Coach
You sit down to the computer, you need to write some hot marketing copy for your latest service or product, and you are blank, not one decent phrase shows up that sounds original or compelling. You are deleting left, right and center – you just can’t find the right words.
Or you’re planning your talk, the chance to impress people about your work, and you just can’t figure out what to say that will engage the audience.
I frequently come across smart, attractive websites or flyers, emails or posters that are marketing services that I might be interested in. More often than not, I read the first couple of lines and then quickly move on to something else entirely.
Often I’ll listen in to a webinar or lecture and find myself leaving long before the speaker is finished.
You know, I’m not particularly critical or picky; I just have a very limited attention span for stuff that doesn’t grab me immediately. I don’t want to waste my time unless I know that I will be engaged. I suspect you are the same.
So what do you do?
Well, let me tell you a story.
It was a perfect spring day, bright, sunny and not too hot. There was a cool breeze with that tingling in your nose feeling of new flowers that always reminds me of honey. I could even hear the buzz of a nearby bush full of bees.
It was late afternoon; I love the light at that time of day. I was walking home from work. I had left the street where my office was and headed towards the main row of shops that led to the neighborhood I lived in.
I had planned to stop and buy some pasta and a bottle of wine. A good friend was coming over that evening for dinner; I was really looking forward to seeing her.
I remember the next moment as strangely silent; even the traffic passing was simply the quiet before the storm. Someone bumped into me. I was startled and it took me a few moments to realize that he had rummaged quickly but efficiently in my bag and grabbed my purse. He was running away with my week’s wages, my credit card and a photograph of my father that was taken when I was about three years old.
I think it was the photo that made me do it. I knew I could replace everything else, but I really didn’t want to lose that photograph.
I chased him and started yelling, “Stop him, stop him, thief!”
There are a few reasons that you are still reading this.
It might be that you love stories.
It could be that you have experienced a similar situation and can relate to it.
You may have been drawn in by the feelings evoked by the description of the beautiful spring day.
You may simply be curious as to what happens next.
Whatever the reason (and there may be many more), stories work. A story turns dry theory into compelling copy; a story turns advertising into a sensuous experience that the reader wants to participate in. A story makes marketing interesting and fun. A story allows you be present authentically and openly. A story attracts ideal clients to you.
As it happened, the truth was indeed stranger than fiction!
There was an undercover detective sitting at the café on the corner. While the other passersby just watched the thief run away, the detective set chase. The thief glanced behind and saw this big guy running after him. Maybe he saw the gun that he had strapped under his jacket or maybe he sensed he had just picked the wrong day and the wrong gal.
He dropped my purse at the end of the street and disappeared into the crowd. The detective picked it up and returned it to me.
Why was there a plain-clothes detective sitting at my local café? I have no idea. Why did the thief choose me? I can’t tell you.
But it makes a pretty good story. And you’re still reading. Think about it!
So, next time you’re stuck on writing your copy, or trying to do any kind of marketing of yourself or your services, stop for a moment and tell a story.
Stories Sell. But did you know that storytelling is the key to engaging, inspiring and empowering the people you serve? If you’re not telling your authentic, compelling story – you are not living your true purpose … and life is too short for that! Download Lisa Bloom’s FREE report on Storytelling strategies ASAP here.