Being a coach and loving the art of effective communication would seem to give me supernatural powers in my relationships. At least that’s what I thought! It turns out that sometimes it takes more than communication to get a team or a relationship synergistically aligned.

Let’s say that Bob is someone that you have to work with in order to get a project done. He keeps doing this “thing” that creates obstacles for the completion of the project. You keep thinking, “If Bob would just stop doing that thing he’s doing, everything would go smoothly!” You finally get the guts to talk to Bob about this issue.

After the conversation with Bob you feel let down. He doesn’t see the issue. In fact, he thinks you’re the problem. Argh! So, you stew on it for awhile. You set your intention for resolution. You feel like you can now go back to Bob and have a more “adult” conversation on this topic. Again, it bombs. You feel powerless to the situation. It’s now time to bring the big guns out. It’s time for a chat … higher self to higher self. Yep, a virtual conversation that Bob never needs to know about.

Here’s how it works:

Get yourself in a relaxed state. Trust that you will get the desired outcome with Bob, even if you don’t know how at this moment. Tap into your higher self. It’s that wise, all-knowing, calm part of yourself that is directly connected to “source energy” or God. It knows all is well.

Next, imagine that you can tap into Bob’s higher self. You can now ask Bob for what is really going on and how he’s feeling. Ask what he is most needing from you to feel better. Also ask what it is you need to shift in order to get aligned with the desired outcome. The answers will be short and sweet and will feel like truth.

Your job now is to trust the information you have received.

You no longer have to convince Bob that he must change. You don’t have to change. You simply must trust that all is well. If there is a next step you need to take, it will be obvious and it won’t feel tense.

I have used this technique many times, in very highly-charged situations, and it has never failed. It’s best done before the second conversation ever happens in real life. You can also use this in relationships with family, people you haven’t seen in years, and people you wish to attract into your life that you have yet to meet. It may seem “out there” but try it. You’ll become a believer.

Has this information helped you out? If so, write your experience in the comments below.


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists conscious entrepreneurs to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging attraction principles, proven strategies and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here:

Original Publish Date: Dec 2, 2009