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What if you could let go of control to actually get in sync with:

  • Saying and doing what you know is right in your soul
  • Communication that is grounded and comes from the heart
  • Being present when you are with another human being
  • Allowing ideas to flow to create solutions you never knew existed
  • Peace in every day, every task, every move

All of these things are within reach, but how can you know that when they're covered up with years of ingrained patterns of thought and habitual reactions?

There are so many facets to who you are that have not been uncovered. 

What if the process were easy?

Register to listen to our No-Cost Preview Recording HERE, and leave YOUR monkey mind in the dust!

It's a bit challenging for me to get across how powerful life can be when you retreat from your mind and connect to a deeper place within you.  It's kinda like when I first skydived and birthed my son.  I knew they'd be cool experiences.  I knew I would be a bit scared beforehand.  But there is no way I could know the impact in every cell of my body from those experiences until I was there.

Join me and Wendy Yellen, one of the top Eidetic Imagery coaches in the world for a teleclass unlike any other – purely experiential combined with coaching, law of attraction, eidetics and more! It will impact you forever.

Retreat from Your Mind, 5-month Teleclass

p.s. If you are seriously questioning if this course will solve your most pressing issues and even those minor ones, please email me at  I will call you so we may have a heartfelt chat about what is best for you…with no strings attached.

With love,
Jeanna (and Wendy too!)