When you feel scared or doubtful about your money, bills, or your financial future, you’re listening to the voice of fear.
Fear is a liar.
That’s why it feels so bad when you believe it.
Your soul knows only truth. Truth feels right and true in your heart. Truth is steeped in possibility and limitlessness.
Read the following to yourself or for more impact read aloud when you want to let go of limiting thoughts and upgrade your prosperity setpoint.
Prosperity Mantra
I can have anything I want… when I want it.
Attracting prosperity is easy for me because when I decide to have it… it comes on demand.
I command the flow of money into my world. It responds to my energy.
My energy is good.
I can receive one thousand a month… or one million. And even more.
I can have limitless amounts of money flow in… right now.
There are no barriers between me and infinite financial flow.
My financial flow isn’t dependent on time, productivity, or my actions. It’s a byproduct of following my soul truth.
It’s easy for me to follow my inner guidance. My inner guidance always leads me to money and money is always led to the truth of my inner guidance.
I was born into a partnership with money that’s based on abundance.
I’m an abundant being. My soul truth is aligned with infinite abundance.
I’m energetically locked into abundance. I always have more than I need. I let abundance flow to and through me with ease.
My inner guidance leads me to the ideas, decisions, actions, opportunities, people and resources I need to let in more and more prosperity.
I am limitless.
I trust my inner guidance over false premises steeped in limitation.
It’s good for me to receive abundance. There’s no downside to me being financially abundant.
Money allows me to be an even better person. The more money I receive, the more I trust my inner guidance. The more I trust my inner guidance the more money I receive. It’s a beautifully simple process.
The more I relax, the more prosperity I receive. The more prosperity I receive the more I relax.
The better it gets for me, the better it gets.
I have everything I need to receive everything I want.
There is no shortage of good things in my future.
I already have access to all the abundance I desire… and so much more.
It’s not a matter if… it’s a matter of when. And I decide when I want to receive extreme abundance.
I’m ready to uplevel.
I’m ready to receive all the abundance I desire.
I’ve decided to let abundance easily flow to me.
The entire Universe backs my decision to be prosperous.
It feels good to receive unlimited prosperity.
All is well.
Everything is working out for me.
I am enough.
I’m tuned into the energy of infinite prosperity.
I am prosperous.