The Business Rx System
Stop the Chaos and Get Into the Flow!

Entrepreneurs and movers & shakers in the corporate world … ask yourself …
Are you giving everything you’ve got to your business, doing all the “right things,” listening to all the right people … yet you feel like you’re always behind the times and under the gun?
You know a lot of what you should be doing, but you can’t seem to “get” to those things because of all the urgent, got-to-do-now stuff that fills your days.
Sure, you’ve experienced some success… but you can’t seem to move beyond a certain level in your income stream, no matter what new marketing or social media tricks you try.
And at the end of the day, you’re just plain pooped, with little-to-no energy (or attention span!) left for any other activities or any sort of meaningful interaction with either friends or family.
Yes, you’re still committed to your business, but lately you’ve been wondering …
“Is it always going to be this hard to run my business? Where the heck is the flow and freedom I thought I would have? Where the heck is the FUN?”
Look, we all expect some stress and more than a few challenges when it comes to making our businesses work, but if you’re feeling stressed, stuck, frustrated and overwhelmed more often than not, you need some serious Business RX!
Luckily, the doctor is in!
And she’s making house calls!
Hey, Jeanna here!
And believe me, I know what it’s like.
In fact, it wasn’t all that long ago that I was in the same place as you … trying to do all the right things, experiencing some success and ready for more, but feeling completely overwhelmed, stressed out and somewhat discouraged.
Sure, I loved coaching and I loved my clients, but I was working in a way that kept me teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown. I never felt like I was able to do enough, fast enough.
I had a good team of people, but sometimes they seemed to create more problems than solutions. And no matter how focused or intentional I got, I still ended each day feeling behind and completely wrung out.
To make matters worse, I had nothing to show for all this stress and struggle … except moodiness, fatigue, and a slightly crazed look in my eye.
Because here’s the killer!
The more effort and action I poured into my business, the less money flowed in. And the more unhappy I became.
Essentially, by driving myself to do more, do it right and do it all now, I was destroying both my business, my health and my love for my work.
But not any more, baby!
Now, when I want to get results faster, I slow down.
Now, my days flow like a lazy river on a summer day, at a pace that is perfect for me … a pace I set for myself.
I get a lot done, but I never feel rushed, pressured or panicked.
I have a team I trust completely to do their job with excellence, ease and high vibin’ energy.
Best of all, my work feels like my own personal playground where I get to have fun every moment of every day.
And the money? Well, the money rolls in steadily, sometimes surprisingly, and it just keeps coming.
“Before purchasing the Business RX homestudy course, I was desperate for a program that was easy to follow. I was lost in the maze of free teleseminars and hodge podge business programs and that only made me feel more stuck than ever.
By the end of this program, I stepped into the position of confident CEO and connected to my inner guide every day. Now, I’m making amazing progress in my business. This is so different from that frightened new business owner I used to be.
Now, I know my ideal client extremely well and am attracting them so magically through new marketing messages and strategies. I’ve attracted a team that is awesome! I went from no clients to perfect clients. All the pieces are coming together so perfectly now and I’m having fun every step of the way.
Thank you, Jeanna!”
Shelly Quintana,
“I have deeply known about Law of Attraction from my spiritual work. Yet, no one has ever made it so practically and powerfully useful as Jeanna. She has a grounded and business savvy approach that I resonate with, and her heart is in the right place, Bottom line: in a niche with a lot of fluff, she is the real deal.
During her six-week teleclass I more than tripled my business simply from doing the “inner” work. I got new clients in the US, Spain, UK, France and Canada. Going global was not even on the radar when I started her class. Jeanna knows about practical magic and can deliver the goods.”
Steve Charrier,
“This course took the worry out of “how” I was going to achieve my goals this year. It allowed me to put a solid, inspired vision into place, and taught me take it one inspired step at a time! I’m well on my way to my six-figure goal!
I started a blog, which I have never been able to do before. I’m no longer pining over the day-to-day things that can be overwhelming. I am making choices as if I am a multi-national company, which has created a whole new pattern in my life and the way I do business!
Now, I wake up every day with vigor about how I am going to reach my financial goals this year, and it is EXCITING! I get all giddy inside, like I just won the lottery! Thank you Jeanna, I am so grateful to have found you!!”
Julie Robinson,
So, let me ask you … what would your life be like if you could:
- always feel good about your work, your business and the way things were moving?
- love thinking, planning and plotting for your future because you know anything is possible … and it can all get done easily, without stress or struggle?
- work with the most magnificent team of people so your time, energy and creative juice are devoted to the work you love, the stuff you’re good at, the activities that feed your heart and soul?
- have fun every day! Not woo-hoo silly fun, but the thrill that comes from loving what you’re doing in each moment.
- feel deeply satisfied, at peace and energized at the end of your workday, ready to enjoy your evening and eager to see what tomorrow will bring.
- be amazed by the way more money, new opportunities and new clients keep showing up for you … as if by magic.
If this sounds good to you, then open wide, because here comes some business medicine that may be a tad hard to swallow!
There is only one thing keeping you from the ease, flow, fun and success you want and need in your business.
That one thing is YOU.
BUT … it’s not what you’re DOING or NOT DOING!
It’s who you are BEING that is cutting off the flow of your business.
And nothing, absolutely nothing, including your income, your growth, your level of ease, joy and satisfaction is going to change until YOU change who you are BEING in your business.
You can try on all the best systems, strategies, time management philosophies and team development advice in the world and none of it is going to do you one bit of good until you change who you are BEING in your business.
If you’re serious about experiencing more success with ease, more growth without struggle and higher profitability while having fun, you need to step up and start BEING the CEO of your business. Because right now, you’re acting like a self-employed, stressed-out serf who plays small, reacts instead of decides, scurries instead of strides and runs instead of reigns.
“I am ready to be the CEO! Give me my Business Rx”
Listen, if you change the way you are BEING in your business, everything, I mean, EVERYTHING, will start to flow, jive and soar with ease!
So … are you ready for the cure to your business dis-ease? Are you ready to flow your way to MORE without stress or struggle?
Well, here’s my prescription for you.
It’s not another book or class that drowns you in complicated strategies, marketing tools or time management structure. You’ve been there and done that already, haven’t you? No, this is something completely different.
The Business Rx System:
is a 5-session home study program to
transform the way you do business.
This program will teach you how to:
- slow down, set your own pace and get faster results!
- stop reacting to those daily fires that break out and instead develop the Midas touch throughout every aspect of your business.
- break those old business rules that are keeping you, your creativity, your instinct and your inner business expert paralyzed so you can let loose, fly freely and have fun!
- manage your energy so you always feel at your best, on top of your game and in love with your work.
- attract money easily, without more labor, effort or fancy tricks, and know what to do with it!
- tap into your creativity and download those perfect ideas, programs and projects!
- annihilate overwhelm thinking (it’s just a symptom!)
- communicate effectively, both physically & energetically, with your team, your clients and your colleagues, and experience darned near miraculous results!
- implement strategies that transform pressure into clarity and have you moving at the speed of light without ever feeling rushed.
- amp up the wattage of every system, person and technique you already use.., and know which ones to ditch!
- revive the FUN factor and all of life will become your oyster. This is key to blasting through any growing and revenue pains.
- live everyday on your terms (yes, even in the corporate world!) and become a lot more attractive to the right people.
“I really appreciate your direct, no-nonsense, “keep it simple and easy” and FUN approach! I value your many years of coaching experience that catches the subtleties in words or tone when someone writes or speaks and how you offer new viewpoints or ways of thinking or doing to help us “fine tune”. Overall I’m more comfortable and confident about where I am, which was my goal, and a LOT more trusting of my inner guidance.”
Stephanie Rainbow Bell,
“I feel better and have one particularly good potential big client on the horizon.
Sometimes, I’m just happy for no reason.
I enjoyed the balance of Q & A and straight teaching in this course. In both courses I have taken with Jeanna, she is remarkably consistent and present for her clients. Always a day brightener!”
Dan Gosling,
“I was stuck and felt like I was swimming against the tide, no matter what marketing or social media bandwagon I jumped in! No flow, no fun, and no financial profits; the picture was that bad and ugly.
That’s when I got the Business Rx System. I fell in love with Jeanna’s attractive energy and the high quality of her message – even it sometimes sounded so strange to my overly rational mind.
After one month to study the lessons and complete the various exercises, not only have I doubled my revenues, but I did it without doing anything different as far as sales and marketing strategies are concerned.
I literally have to pinch myself!”
Chantal Beaupre, n.d.
You are going to know the flow, baby, where you glide from project to project, conversation to conversation and everything feels easy, time seems limitless and your results blow your mind!
If you’re like me, you probably like things fast, fun and consistently fabulous. So, I designed this program to get right to the heart of the matter. We’re going to zero in on the primary causes of “bottlenecked flow,” stress, frustration and chaos that, once eliminated, will allow you to be 100% more effective and have a lot more fun!
And by fun, I’m talking about the satisfaction that comes when you absolutely love what you are doing and how you are doing it.
And bringing in the bucks at the same time!
“All I can say, Jeanna, is your system really works. I could never have made this happen in a million years. Now I get it is all about setting my intentions and following your RX for what I want to create in my business, then going out and having fun and loving life while the universe works its part.”
Melodie Ross
Let’s get down to the details!
This home study version, The Business Rx System is packed with the same information I share in my popular Business Rx tele-coaching program, and it is guaranteed to give you the same results … at less than half the price.
This program has already liberated a slew of entrepreneurs and business owners, just like you, who were feeling overwhelmed, rung-out and buried alive by their businesses.
Each of the lessons will take you right to the heart of the matter so you can quickly and easily create your own ideal prescription for success without struggle.
“I’m ready to feel great about my business … every day. Give me my Business Rx!”

You will learn how to… | |
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Create a FUNcient environment that creates flow in productivity and profits. |
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Use the power of intention to get powerful results. |
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Ditch small thinking and stop letting your current reality get in your way. |
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Adopt a CEO mindset… and still be playful! |
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Lighten up while still running a hugely successful business. (This takes less than 15 minutes a day and it will change your life.) |

You will learn how to.. | |
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Be massively attractive to your ideal clients, customers or patients. |
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Allow more money to flow in by changing your focus. |
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Create an immediate cash infusion without creating more stuff to-do. |
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Create and fully embrace more abundance. |

You will learn how to … | |
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Transform overwhelm into BIG TIME positive focus and productive flow. |
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Tap into your own Inner Business Expert and download what you need to make confident decisions and take powerful action |
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Access and nurture the brilliance of every member of your team (even solopreneurs have teams). |
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Achieve hi-octane results by to aligning your thoughts, behavior and actions. |

You will learn how to … | |
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Stop smothering your marketing, upsell and enrollment mojo. |
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Create new marketing rules that match your values, follow your instincts and use your strengths. |
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Make business a FUN game you always win. |
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Use your (and your team’s) authentic gifts to attract ideal deals and clients. |
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Plan with bigger vision and create an action plan that is inspiring and fun! |

You will learn how to … | |
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Attract and identify the perfect people and resources when you need them. |
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Go way beyond what you “think” you can create. |
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Take total ownership of any and all results (or lack of results) in your business. |
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Tap into flow on a daily basis and experience miraculous results. |
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Communicate more powerfully and effectively and get an immediate positive response. |
So, step up, sync up and lead your business into
a new phase of growth … one that unfolds
with ease, flow and fun.
The Business Rx System program will nurture and fortify ANY business, project, idea or adventure you choose to create in your life … because it is all about the person in charge … YOU!
When you change who you are being in your business, your bottom-line will go up, up, up as you enjoy the heck out of what you do every day. You will unlock the brilliance that is humming inside of you, just below that annoying buzz of tensions, to-do lists and people who are driving you nuts!

Yes! I’m ready to uplevel my business flow and revenue with ease and fun!
I’m ready to ditch the chaos and create a “funcient” business with Jeanna Gabellini’s Business Rx Home Study Program
When I invest in this program, I will receive:
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Instant access to 5 downloadable mp3s, containing 7 hours of training, strategies, exercises and visualizations… everything you need to change who you are being and take action as the leader of your company. |
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Excerpts from a live class where Jeanna coaches business owners on their most pressing business issues. |
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A 100 Page script from the lessons that you can read and follow along with the audios and make your own notes. |
I am thrilled that I am getting the same information Jeanna shares in her Business Rx TeleCoaching Class but at less than half the cost!
I also understand that making this purchase is safe and easy because it will be processed through your secure servers!
Just think how your life and business will change when you learn how to let go of the chaos and get into the flow!
Now, imagine what it will be like if you share this program with your team!
Whoa, what if everyone on your team was perfectly aligned with magnetizing money, tapping into creativity and fun and producing great results with ease?
Could be pretty amazing, don’t you think?
Now, it’s up to you.
You can just keep pushing harder and faster, do more and have less, and always feel plowed under by your business.
Or … you can flow through each and every work day at your own perfect pace, get a lot more done by going slower, lead your team with ease, have a blast and watch more and more money come rolling in!
Don’t wait. Take your medicine.
If you have ANY questions about this program, please Contact me and we’ll set up a time to talk.