If you pay attention, you’ll notice that throughout your day most of your actions and thoughts are habitual. And often, that’s not a good thing!
If you practice something for a few weeks (or even a few days!) it can become an unconscious habit. You always attract more of the thoughts and actions you practice.
For instance, I notice on Mondays I ease into my workday by going through my email inbox. I don’t usually take any appointments on Mondays, therefore it’s a spacious day and designed to work on projects. It was not a conscious decision to automatically dive into email every morning and get sidetracked for hours answering them. This is how easy it is to get set in a behavior. It works the same way with attracting abundance!
You’ve heard that it takes 21 days of repeating an action or a thought before it becomes a habit, right? Well, how many habits do you have? Which ones help you attract profit? Which ones just suck up your time? Which ones literally work against you?
Take time to do a little self-check right now. If you don’t, you probably have a habit of not taking time out to create powerful new habits.
I’ll give you some examples from my own life.
Habits that support my abundance and peace of mind:
- Walking
- Mastermind meetings
- Weekly business meetings
- Delegating work to my fabulous assistants
- Setting my intentions for each day (I do a minimum of six; I use Stephen Covey’s 6 Big Rocks formula)
- Scripting out my business goals (writing stories about my goals as if they’ve already manifested)
- Tracking my income/expenses
- Breathing purposefully
- Going to the gym
- Creating specific goals in all areas of my life
- Having structures in my life that keep me accountable to my goals
- Listening to uplifting audios and videos
- Checking email only 3 times a day
Habits that suck up my time (I stopped some of these years ago when I took inventory of my habits and found that these ticked me off!):
- Checking email too many times a day
- Reading almost every joke that gets sent to me via email from my family
- Tearing articles/recipes out of magazines and then having to file them
- Reading aviation articles that I know don’t impact me
- Reading accident reports for skydiving (I used to skydive every weekend)
Habits that work against me (notice that many of these habits have transformed into habits that work for me, above):
- Making business plans without accountability
- Not forecasting with my finances
- Being complacent about my team’s performance
- Not delegating enough
- Worrying about not making my targets
- Not trusting
- Loose targets with my team
- Waiting until the last minute to get the articles to my VA for my ezine (used to drive my team bonkers!)
- Waiting until after 6pm to go to the gym
- Not taking time to read books
- A messy desk
Habitual behavior is a direct result of your thoughts. For instance, if you constantly worry about not having enough money, you’ll begin practicing profit-sabotaging behaviors. But if you decided you were sick and tired of worrying about having enough money, you could intentionally begin to practice empowering habits around money.
Every time you accidentally slip into worry, consciously get your mind to focus on a visual of you rolling in money (doesn’t that sound fun?!).
Next, you could set up a minimum of two new habits to practice that will support the vision of you being surrounded in piles of cash.
Your new habits can be big or small. Your frame of mind and personality will dictate what is best for you at this moment. I like to incorporate both small and big habits when I want to increase my abundance.
The small habits keep you grounded on a daily basis and are easy to accomplish, increasing your confidence. The big habits create change quickly. They are defining. For instance, twelve years ago my business hit a big slump and I acquired a lot of debt. It felt out of my control, so I took charge and shredded all of my credit cards except my American Express business account.
That was powerful for me and it affirmed my commitment to my new revenue goal. I also created spreadsheets that tracked my income and my debt balances. This was a big deal for me to create, but a small thing to fill in every week. I began the practice of overdelivering to my clients.
Nine months later I was completely out of debt and I had doubled my income! Small practices led to huge results (thank goodness!).
Now, back to you. Which habits are you willing to drop right this moment?Choose two. If you feel apprehensive about letting them go, ask yourself what is possible by letting them go. You want to get connected to the impact these practices have in your life.
Now choose two to three new empowering habits that will serve your goal of abundance. Decide how you’ll stick to practicing these new habits while they are in progress.
By the way, all habits are your choice. Good, bad or ugly… you are the one that practices them. You can change them at any given moment. Do something different.
Baby steps lead to avalanches of revenue.
Your new habits can be big or small. Your frame of mind and personality will dictate what is best for you at this moment. I like to incorporate both small and big habits when I want to increase my abundance.
The small habits keep you grounded on a daily basis and are easy to accomplish, increasing your confidence. The big habits create change quickly. They are defining. For instance, twelve years ago my business hit a big slump and I acquired a lot of debt. It felt out of my control, so I took charge and shredded all of my credit cards except my American Express business account.
That was powerful for me and it affirmed my commitment to my new revenue goal. I also created spreadsheets that tracked my income and my debt balances. This was a big deal for me to create, but a small thing to fill in every week. I began the practice of overdelivering to my clients.
Nine months later I was completely out of debt and I had doubled my income! Small practices led to huge results (thank goodness!).
Now, back to you. Which habits are you willing to drop right this moment?Choose two. If you feel apprehensive about letting them go, ask yourself what is possible by letting them go. You want to get connected to the impact these practices have in your life.
Now choose two to three new empowering habits that will serve your goal of abundance. Decide how you’ll stick to practicing these new habits while they are in progress.
By the way, all habits are your choice. Good, bad or ugly… you are the one that practices them. You can change them at any given moment. Do something different.
Baby steps lead to avalanches of revenue.
What’s your next baby step then?