Powwow To Get New Clients FastWhen you reach for the panic button every time you think about money … pause. This is not the time to contemplate getting a job. Don’t go to your nearest friend or call mom for soothing. Stay away from consulting your team members and spouse, too. And for goodness sake, don’t leak your worries on social media.

You’ll want to go elsewhere for generating ideas, confidence, and clarifying your next steps to get more money in the door.

I suggest having a powwow (a powerful meeting of the minds) with the very person you need most … your ideal client. And not just any ideal client. You want to chat it up with the one who will buy your most profitable service or product package.

Most of the time, you’ll be grateful to get any client to say yes when it’s money-crunch season. But when it’s time for a big cash infusion, go for the gold.

What is the highest-priced ticket you offer? Or what is your most time-leveraged offer?

For me, my highest-priced service is 1:1 coaching. My best time-leveraged offer is my Launch Your Money Maker program. When I feel anxious about my cash flow, I get clear on where I most want people to invest their money with me.

Once you’re clear on what you most want to sell, push away from your desk.Imagine the ideal type of person who would say yes. Think about how excited they would be after they say yes. Tap into their joy.

Next, close your eyes and imagine the essence of that person sitting in front of you. They’ve come to have a powwow. In this conversation, it’s your higher-self talking to your client’s higher-self. You don’t need to impress them because they want your solution as much as you want to serve more clients.

There is no desperation or convincing. You’re surrounded in abundance. You’ve come to seek answers from a place of curiosity.

Ask any questions that will lead you to things you can do to empower yourself, to manifest the ideal number of ideal clients lickety-split.

Here are some suggestions:

  • What are your biggest obstacles to saying yes to my solutions?
  • What do you need to hear from me in order to say yes?
  • What’s the easiest way for you to hear my message?
  • What do you see that I can shift to let you in?
  • What’s the best timing to reach out?
  • What should I do less or more of?
  • Is there a product or service that I can tweak to be more appealing and valuable to you?
  • How can I have more fun sharing my information with you?
  • What would make you fall instantly in love with what I offer?

Once the powwow is over, capture your ahas and ideas on paper. Decide which items will give you the most bang for your energy and go for it.

There is no greater advice on getting clients than from the client himself. Yes, you may feel like you’re just making up stuff in your head, but if it feels good, then you’re raising your attractor factor.

The worst possible mistake you can make at this point is not moving forward with the information you receive.

And if you need to do this exercise daily to increase your client-getting mojo, do it!

What’s the first thing you want to ask your ideal client?



You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who makes it effortless and exciting for conscious entrepreneurs to attract all the clients they want without doing more, working more, or marketing more. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: https://masterpeacecoaching.com/freecd