Do you pride yourself on being able to put out fires in your business faster than a seasoned firefighter? 

Are you able to dodge bullets in a single leap? 

Is it your job to turn every no into a yes? 

Are you masterful at living on a shoestring budget?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you may be prone to tolerating less-than-ideal situations and circumstances. 

Yes, bad stuff is gonna happen to all of us. But if it happens all the time and you suck it up and just deal with it, you can become desensitized to the discomfort. 

It becomes normal.

Let’s say you’ve been financially struggling for years. Every day you’re reminded of all that you can’t afford. You long for a vacation with your loved ones on a lush island or fantasize about going on a safari but know that it won’t happen for years… if ever. 

It feels like a huge success if you get all of your bills paid on time each month. 

Maybe it’s worse than that. You’ve got debt collectors calling and maxed-out credit cards and you always feel you’re on the brink of losing it all. 

Would it be a good thing to stop stressing out every day about how broke you are, surrender to what is, and find a place of calm with the situation?

Definitely. There’s no way you create financial abundance when you’re constantly wigging out about it.

But once you get calm, you’ve still gotta take further steps and actions to actually increase the amount of money coming in. 

When you’ve lessened the negative emotional charge, now you can actively begin the nitty-gritty work of rewiring your relationship with money.

Like I’ve said over and over, this takes practice. As each money trigger pops up in your daily life, you have to deal with it in the moment. You’ve got to be more deliberate about how you want to react. 

Next comes the hardcore focus on expecting the increase in money to your account without the attachment to how or when it will come.

The key here is to not get used to crappy stuff happening all the time. You don’t want to expect it or brace yourself for it.

When your past and present are full of conflict, it becomes easier to tolerate the pattern and not take the time or energy to break it. 

You say you want something different, yet the discomfort may not be bad enough to do something about it. You may have even become numb to the pain. 

Pain is your signal that a change probably needs to be made. When you notice the discomfort of a situation, vow to have a different approach. 

Take a small action that gets you a little closer to the way of life you really desire.

This is the same process you’d use if you felt like you were in a constant state of overwhelm with your business or if you always felt unclear about which action steps to take next. 

Make friends with your nasty inner voices so they’ll get off your back, then take the next steps to kick them to the curb and replace them with your powerhouse Inner Business Expert.

Here’s the flow:

  • Recognize your pattern of destruction, frustration, or victimization.
  • Surrender to what is. Let go of the pushing, pulling, crying, controlling, and efforting.
  • Breathe.
  • Decide to change the core issue, not the symptoms.
  • Take consistent actions to reprogram your relationship with the issue by dealing with your triggers and habits as they come up. Do it in the exact moment that you notice it happening. Get assistance from a friend, coach, therapist… whoever is qualified!
  • Stay at it until you have completely changed your inner thoughts and you have the physical evidence that proves it. This may take a few months or a few years. You’re not a loser if it takes longer than you want.
  • Ask for your divine guidance to step up the support so you can hear it loud and clear.
  • Play to win.

Never, ever, ever settle for crappy situations, things, people, or feelings.

Change YOUR thoughts and beliefs, and the rest will take care of themselves.