“If only I knew how to market in a way that made people get the value of what I offer!”

Every time one of my coaching programs had few (or zero!) registrations, I cursed marketing. I knew it was the one thing standing between my ideal clients and me. And it really ticked me off!

I decided to channel that irritation into one of the most powerful tools in my business. I decided marketing could be fun and easy.

I also decided that I had what it took to be good at it.

  • How do you feel about marketing?
  • What kind of results do you expect from your marketing efforts?
  • Are you following your own rules or somebody else’s?

Shifting how you feel, what you expect, and 100% honoring your values when you market is going to change how many ideal customers say yes to buying from you each year.

Good marketing isn’t about quantity, it’s about creating heartfelt relationships with your tribe. People say yes because they get the value of what you offer.

And they can only understand the value when you feel strongly about what you offer and communicate that while standing in your power (with love, of course!).

You don’t have to replicate what the marketing gurus do when it comes to reaching out to your people to share your products and services. You just have to be you and stay true to your brand.

Many of you reading this may be on my email list and think, “Jeanna, I can’t send out an article every week or promote my stuff like you do.”

You don’t have to … and you could choose to make it easy (and dare I say fun?).

Once I decided to learn about marketing and do it the “Jeanna” way, I immediately got different results from every marketing action I took.

I never market when I feel scared about money or not 100% behind the offer. I never send out an email or put up a webpage that doesn’t feel true to my brand or values. I never talk about things that I can’t back up. If I promise it, I’ll deliver. And that’s why I can be fully in my passion when I speak about my products and services.

Marketing is just an extension of you. It’s called communication with the people who need your stuff most. You are helping them to create a solution in an ideal way.

And that makes marketing a beautiful thing. If you think marketing is yucky, then it’s going to be a bit challenging to make more than enough money to survive doing what you feel passionate about.

I suggest you make marketing a four-letter word: LOVE. Yep, spread the love. Only communicate the value of the solutions you offer from a place of inspiration and joy. Create a love affair with your ideal clients and customers.



WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE, BLOG OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs and their teams to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging intention, systems and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: https://masterpeacecoaching.com/resources/free-cd