I went to the chiropractor back in 2008 and told him my right arm had been going numb and my neck was tight and hurting. He gave me a great adjustment and then told me that my neck was losing its curve and I had arthritis. 

I thought, “Thank goodness I know that I can heal anything in my body. I choose what my body has and doesn’t have. I know many people would respond to his diagnosis as if it were their truth and that they’re stuck with this condition.” 

I said aloud, “I’m glad I’m going to let go of that. I heal fast.” He agreed. I walked out of there feeling relief and very clear that my arm would be greatly improved. It hasn’t gone numb since.

How many times has somebody diagnosed you or your business with something that sent you directly into a state of distress? 

I’m not just referring to doctors. I’m referring to auto mechanics, computer repairmen, contractors, therapists, friends… anybody whom you invite to give you their opinion.

We have a choice to either embrace their statement as true, or decide what we want to happen next. 

Whatever we decide to be our truth is most likely what’ll continue to prove itself to us. You can find evidence of whatever you believe to be true.

How many people’s health have you seen go completely downhill fast when they’re told they have a condition that’s terminal? 

There are just as many folks who get very committed to a full recovery and do exactly that. 

Or what about a contractor who says that something technical can’t be done but stay vigilant to the vision of it becoming a reality? Do you throw in the towel at the first “no” you receive? What if you called another contractor who says it can be easily done?

If we listened to whatever the “experts” say is true, we’d be schizophrenic. 

Everyone has something different to say, and it’s all said through their own personal filters. 

Even if nine out of ten experts say something is bad for you, it doesn’t make it true. It will make it true for you only if you believe it. You’ll attract all the proof needed to convince you once you believe something.

You know the phrase “against all odds”? It’s when somebody achieves something that’s been said can’t be done.

But it hasn’t happened against all odds

Whoever thought it wasn’t possible was simply limited in their beliefs. The person who seemed to have achieved the impossible, decided it was possible.

You are your best expert. What would you like to be your diagnosis or outcome?

Make it something really, really good and start looking for evidence of its truth.