I believe that the most prosperous way to create income is by aligning your business and investments with your personal values. You can’t go wrong. At this moment, you have liabilities in your life that can be turned into assets. There are things you dream of having, but you don’t want to go into debt in the process.

How can you turn the dream into an asset to make you money?

A colleague named Marty bought a limousine. He wanted to be driven around in style. He didn’t want to buy this car and have it be a liability, so Marty decided to get some limousine contracts with a few corporations. They bought limo time on a monthly retainer. Now he has it when he wants AND it’s generating income for him.

What do you love doing? There is always a way to generate an income from the things you love most. You must seek out the ways to make it work that are right for you. What about adding profit centers to your existing business that are a natural add-on?

In addition to wealth products, I’m constantly referring books, programs, tools and software to my clients to help them achieve their dreams. So, if the client is going to buy the products and services I refer anyway, why not get a commission for as many of them as possible?

If you took 30 minutes to brainstorm, I bet you’d come up with at least three winning ideas that can make you money from things you love.

There are no limits here. Everything is born from an idea or thought. Don’t squash it.

How can you let the idea serve you in having more time and money?

Don’t go after something because you heard it was the “smart” thing to do. Do it because it’s exciting and compelling. You can do your business wherever and whenever you want. The circumstances in life DO NOT dictate your success. YOU DO! Ask anyone who’s got a fulfilling life.

You are the creator of income in your life. Have you ever heard the phrase, “If it feels good, do it”? If it doesn’t feel good, why are you holding on? You’ve got to let go in order to reach for what feels good. Any excuses are just a cop-out on yourself. When you realize that you can have it your way, you’ll stop limiting yourself. Try it—just for the heck of it.