Gateway To Happiness, (A Condensed 60 page Edition) by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin has been made available to you as a free e-book.

International Happiness Day is July 10th, which happens to be a year to the day that Rabbi Pliskin’s mother passed away. It is Rabbi Pliskin’s vision to see that people are as happy as possible. Rabbi Pliskin is happy to share his extraordinary book with you, so that you can experience the wonderful joy of happiness. Read this book, practice what you learn and you are on your way to being happy.

Go to look under the "books" section at the top of the screen and download the book for yourself, and tell your family and friends to do the same.

Gateway To Happiness is very helpful book to assist us all in understanding happiness better. It is a very enlightening and comprehensive book on happiness. The most incredible components of this book are the first four chapters, as they include some of the best thinking and teaching explanations on happiness.

Chapter 1: Happiness is an obligation
Chapter 2: Appreciating what you have
Chapter 3: Happiness is dependent on your thoughts
Chapter 4: Peace of mind.

Choose happiness!