How much money comes into your life is a direct result of what you consider to be the “reality” of how easy (or hard) it is to attract prosperity. You might have a great vision of yourself doing great work in the world and being compensated handsomely for it… but your environment may be dragging you down.
I asked Denise Duffield-Thomas, a manifesting maven, to share one of her secrets for upgrading your money setpoint. This girl just blew me away with her announcement of a three-book deal with the most badass publishing company in the industry! I wanna be like her when I grow up. 😉
Do you ever get the feeling that your friends are bringing you down?
When you hang out with friends, do you feel like you can’t mention money because you think so differently than the people you’re hanging out with?
Don’t worry, we’re going to talk about what to do when you know you have to create or upgrade your lady mafia, and I have a great resource for you to use afterward, too.
Your lady mafia is that group of friends or mastermind buddies who you know will always have your back. These are your “ride or die” friends and mastermind buddies.
They’re the friends you celebrate your successes, your ah-has, and your screw-ups with.
You can outgrow your lady mafia.
It’s sad, but true: if you’re working on your mindset, your business, and your money blocks, and your fellow lady posse members aren’t, then chances are you’ll outgrow them pretty soon, if you haven’t already.
First of all, check who you’re hanging out with.
Are they friends who have all said that they want to start a business, but then just moan on about how they can’t quite decide what to do or that it’s too hard?
If you’re on fire with ideas and enthusiasm but your lady posse likes to sit and whine, then you’re not an energetic match… and I’m sorry, sweetheart, but it’s really likely that they’ll bring you down.
When that happens, you pay with decreased business motivation that reflects in your bottom line.
If you need to upgrade your lady mafia now, then here are a few ideas of how you can:
Suggest that you all study a mindset or manifestation course together, or read a book on the subject to lift you all up.
Give them a chance to get on the train with you, but if you expend a lot of your energy to keep everyone motivated and enthused, it’s not worth it.
You might have to face the fact that it’s time to cut your ties to that group.
Cut your ties. It can be as simple as saying that you can’t make your meetups anymore, or arranging other activities for yourself whenever the old group schedules something.
Manifest yourself a new lady mafia! This might sound hard right now, but if you’ve cleared a space for it and created a vacuum as well as gotten really specific about what you want, it will happen fast.
If you want immediate support with your money mindset and to release any money blocks so can upgrade your life… you’ll dig this.
(There’s no cost.)
This is also a great opportunity to connect with a new lady mafia, and once you learn to break through your money blocks, abundance will begin to flow toward you easily and without struggle.
It’s your time, and you’re ready for the next step.
Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mindset mentor for the new wave of online female entrepreneurs. Denise helps women release their fear of money, set premium prices for their services, and take back control over their finances.