Have you wanted to ask your personal questions and access the wisdom that Abraham has said is available to all of us?
Now you can! Eva and Jeanna invite you to come 'Meet' Maureen O'Shaughnessy!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 5pm PDT/8pm EDT
Register TODAY here.
As Abraham has said, all of us can tap into this 'higher knowing' that we receive through Esther Hicks' expression. Abraham has also said that the form and expression of each person tuning in to Source will be unique. For most of us, there is an experience of recognition when we hear Abraham that rings of truth. This 'ring of truth' is a great way to assess the clarity of any of our experiences.
After a thrilling, spontaneous experience in late 2006, Maureen has been happily tapping into what she has called "Our Higher Wisdom," and answering people's questions in a similar manner as Esther 'translates' the wisdom from Abraham.
On our call this month, Maureen will take questions from some of you, so you can personally experience your own 'higher' wisdom.
Maureen O'Shaughnessy has been a student of the Law of Attraction for many years. She has taken a number of Abundance Abounds Tele-classes from Jeanna & Eva, including "The Prosperity Game", "Leading Edge Living" and "Get Your Body Humming".
Be sure to register TODAY! See you on the call!