Following Impulses It was nine o’clock in the evening, the night before we were leaving for a nine-day vacation. There was a lot to pack because of the logistics of the trip. My mate and I were driving (with our boat behind us) for four hours to Lake Shasta. My godmother’s cabin on the lake was the meeting place for my mate and me, my brother, and several other people who’d be joining us later in the week for a rafting trip down the Rogue River in Oregon.

Since I’m the organizer in my house, I had long lists of what I was packing, including food, river gear, stuff to entertain my 20-month-old, and so much more. My mate only had to think about what he was putting in his suitcase. Yet, at this late hour, he was ripping apart the garage to find a small gadget that had several tools in it. We were staying in cabins and lodges for the whole trip, not camping! So, I was bit agitated that this is what he was spending his time doing. I may have even gave given him “the look.”

On our first night at the river, we stayed at an obscure lodge with no staff present when we checked in that evening. They’d left the door to our room open. Before we went to bed, my mate had closed the pocket door to the bathroom. I thought this was a bad idea since I’m pregnant and use the restroom often during the middle of the night. I made a mental note to not run into the door in the dark.

When I woke up to use the bathroom, I found the pocket door locked. I fooled with it for several minutes before my mate got up and tried to help me. It was locked. Guess what he whipped out of his dry bag for the river trip? That handy gadget with all the tools that he’d searched for in the garage! He removed the lock in minutes.

Now, I was thankful he’d spent so much time looking for it and I had my tail between my legs feeling bad that I’d given him a hard time for getting “side tracked” while we were packing.

Following your inspired impulses is always a sign of Divine Guidance. Yet, we often feel bad when we give in to them. You may have experienced this yourself as you find yourself off purpose during a workday. You have ten things that must get done and then you find yourself cleaning out an office drawer. You’re not doing it as a way to avoid your work; you just sort of landed in the inspired task.

These impulses (even many impulse purchases) are in your best interest. If it feels wonderful while you’re following the impulse (I’m not talking about indulging in an addiction), then it is the right and perfect action. Never second guess yourself once you have followed the impulse. This is what causes the chaos, not the act of following the impulse.

Enjoy your inspired tangents and let them rejuvenate you. They may end up saving your marriage, business, health, or bladder. 😉