“I need a cash infusion!”
I’ve said that hundreds of times to myself. Bills were due and I didn’t have enough money to cover them. I needed money to come in quick. I usually worried for a bit and then decided to focus on a solution. Mostly I pulled it off. But barely.
It took a ton of inner-game work to make it happen.
After years of needing cash infusions lickety-split, I decided to go for several big infusions this year. This took an inner-game overhaul (which I’ll share with you in a moment).
What surprised me about going for larger chunks was that I began seeing higher sales each and every month. Every month broke the sales record from the month before. I began to see sales come through my website for products I wasn’t actively promoting. All of a sudden I had the Midas touch. And it never stopped.
Here are my secrets for a cash infusion mega explosion (WARNING: These aren’t the strategies most experts share)…
1. Demand more than you need. If you were going to rob a bank (I don’t recommend it), would you take just what you needed to pay the bills when there were thousands more just sitting there? Hell no! You’d take more than you needed.
If you set your sights on making just enough to cover you for the month, you’ll have to push for a cash infusion each month after that. It’s tiring. Go for at least double what you really need. Let that number call forth the leader in you. Let that number nudge you into your power and transform the way you run your biz. Think abundance.
2. Look for the inspiration. Don’t come up with a marketing strategy to show off a product or service with the only focus being to make money. You’ll be looking for a cash infusion with the energy of desperation. It’s the same mindset that got you in trouble in the first place.
Instead look for a product, service, or strategy with a new twist that makes you sit on the edge of your seat with delight. If you’re fired up about any aspect of it (besides the making money part), your sales will be ten times higher.
3. Get super-duper creative. Hook up with your Inner Business Expert for an outside-of-the-box brainstorming session. Ask for ways to stand out and be noticed by your ideal customers. Don’t do the same stuff you usually do (borrrrring!). Do the unexpected.
If your brand is conservative, get a little sassy. Give away something of high value. Make a splash.
I once went to a joint venture (JV) conference where attendees were expected to promote themselves. I brought lots of marketing paraphernalia, but I also brought temporary tattoos and canvas bags that didn’t have my branding on them. They were just for fun and said “JV Bada$$” on them. People were hunting me down to get them!
4. Go pro. If you’re going to use your energy and time to attract a big wad of money, you might as well do it right the first time and reap the rewards. Map out your game plan and don’t move forward unless you love it. Be careful not to rush. If you have to wait an extra week to have an expert revamp a web page, do it. Use that time to put fun twists on your normal marketing routine.
If you need to invest some money into your business to play big, DO IT. It’s not an expense; it’s a vehicle to make over 100 times that amount! (I know it’s scary to spend money when it’s scarce, but you gotta change that mindset!)
5. Think like a multi six- or seven-figure CEO. You can’t be mega profitable on poor thinking, right? Pretend you’ve got more than enough money coming your way and it’s no longer a point of anxiety. Give all of your attention to the process. Fall in love with it. Make it a game.
And whatever you do, don’t panic if you don’t see immediate results. Focus on a cash infusion for the transformation it’ll cause and the money will be a sure thing. Whenever you feel your money gremlins attack, use it as a reminder to step more fully into your role as a mega wealthy spiritualpreneur.