Every new year I view as a clean slate in which to create. Create anything I want.

It doesn’t matter what goals I didn’t get or did get last year. I get to dream and plan for this year with no baggage from the past. I take the lessons learned and make some new success habits.

I often have the same goal on my list for several years in a row… and that can feel sucky to put on the goal list, again.

Maybe you have felt that same feeling, where wanting that same desire for years in a row reminds you that you haven’t gotten it, yet. That can lead to analyzing why you “failed.”

That’s not very joyful or helpful! In fact, that keeps you focused on exactly the opposite of what you do want.

I recommend deleting all the goals that have been on the list for two or more years. Even if you still want them.

Here’s why…

You’re so darn attached to having them NOW; you can’t let them in. So what are you supposed to do?

Well, first of all, enjoy the relief of taking the goal off the list.

Second, take inventory. Your life is full, abundant, and truly complete.

The only time it doesn’t feel complete is when you look at the things you want… and don’t have yet.

Vicious circle, huh?!

So, if you get very present and connected to what you do have… you’ll feel at peace. From that grounded state, you’ll focus on goals that feel exciting and seem attainable.

One of the tricks to creating your yearly goals is tuning in to how it feels when you get specific versus general about each goal/desire.

For instance, back in 2011, I had a goal to buy a home with a water view.

If I got into the nitty-gritty details of my dream home, my mind automatically started to try to figure out how in the heck I was going to afford that. And I felt deflated. So I just decided I’d find a home I loved with a view.

But sometimes, keeping your goal general make it feel less attainable.

Many moons ago, I was in a situation where I needed to generate $12,000 fast for my family. So, I stated clearly the amount I wanted to create in the next two weeks.

I focused on it every day with excitement. I was clear I was gonna have that exact amount of money.

And the money came out of the woodwork, and I had more than enough to pay for everything that was needed. Being specific in this case worked beautifully.

By the way, I also got that house with a spectacular water view… and the investment was half of what I expected to pay.

How do you know if you should keep your goal general or make it more specific? Use your emotions as the barometer.

If the goal doesn’t fire you up, try…

Going bigger.

Or go smaller.

Maybe you soften the details or…

… go deep into the details.

You’ve got to play around with them until you feel like, “Hell yeah! Game on!”

But for goodness sake, don’t be so serious about it all. The whole point of wanting something is so it can enrich your life.

If you don’t feel fulfilled on the way there, what the hell is the point?! I know a ton of experts out there who encourage you to be very specific about your goals. I agree, but only to the point where it keeps your emotional vibe in a good place.

Things to remember when creating your yearly goals…

  1. State your goals in a way that feels solid for you.
  2. Choose no more than 3 to 5 big goals. This makes it easier for you to focus.
  3. Don’t let your past dictate your future.
  4. There is no pressure to create any goal. These are your personal goals to bring you joy. There are no “goal police” watching your progress.
  5. Don’t compare your goals to anybody else’s unless you’re using them to inspire yourself.
  6. Go for what you really want. Don’t set a goal for your house to be remodeled if you actually want to move to a different neighborhood.
  7. Don’t do it alone. You have your inner guide, friends, mates, coach, family, and colleagues to help. Use them. Ask for assistance along the way.
  8. Expect GREAT things to happen to you.

I see your future… and it looks damn bright! So lighten up, kid. You’ve got this.