My dear friend Greg Joseph told me years ago, “There is only one person you can trust in this world… yourself.” 

I got very frustrated with this remark until he fully explained what he meant. 

He said if you trust yourself and your inner guidance, then you’ll always be on track. He didn’t mean that other people were untrustworthy. It’s just that everyone is attracting through their own focus and perception. Trust your wisdom and you’ll always be led down a perfect path.

Today his advice couldn’t be more important. 

Many people have been focused on the chaos happening around the world. The economy is a major issue for many people. Add in the presidential campaigns and life can look like a shit show.

Where has your focus been when it comes to a down economy? 

Are you bracing for the worst? When your family, friends, and clients speak to you from a place of panic, what do you tell them?

It’s easy to jump into fear with the masses when times are tough. It happens with natural disasters and terrorism, too. We imagine the worst. We empathize with the people who are most impacted. We feeeeel horrible!

I’d like to offer you a way to jump out of the fear and into certainty. It goes back to trusting yourself. 

If you’re always creating your reality by giving your attention to a topic, then focus on what you want, not what’s unwanted. 

Focusing on the worst that could happen is not making your situation better anyway. Decide what you DO want. You cannot change the rest of the world, but you can impact your situation. 

You can also be a soother to your family, friends, and clients. By soothing their fears, it will be easier for them to come back to their inner guidance and impact their situations from a more powerful perspective.

Yes, there are events happening out in the world that aren’t so pretty. But let those facts motivate you to do what you can to create a better situation for yourself and others. 

Educate yourself about possible solutions. Go within to imagine new possibilities. Go with the choices that feel good to you. 

Above and beyond all else, trust yourself and your decisions. Be the person who lands feet on the ground, shoulders back, and smiling. <- I’d place my bets on that type of person always creating epic endings in their life and business.