If your marketing isn’t delivering buyers, your marketing may be constipated. 💩

Which is another way of saying you may be trying really hard to get it right.

Google defines constipated as slow-moving, restricted, or inhibited in some way.

Oh, my goddess. Do you see why you have to let go of constipated marketing?

It’s hard to get out. There’s no flow. It’s infrequent.

And any communication from you that feels this way will NOT attract your 5-Star Clients. Ain’t happening!

Look, marketing is communicating with love to your future clients, customers, and patients. If you don’t do it often, from your heart, sharing things that can help them, then you’re not going to receive love back from them.

So, let’s talk vibration for a moment. All emotions have a vibration. Love is at the top of the emotional scale. It’s a high-frequency emotion. Doubt and worry are way down on the emotional scale. And unworthiness is at the bottom of the pit!

Which means marketing from any place except from joy, certainty, empowerment, and love is going to be a train wreck for you and anybody that comes into contact with it.

And as soon as you TRY to get your marketing to convert by trying to say the right stuff in the right way, you kill the love cuz you’re in your head. This is why cookie-cutter formulas don’t work.

Every step you make to communicate with your followers, audience, and anywhere on the internet must be made through accessing your heart and your creativity.

Now, I’m not saying don’t follow a formula. I create and teach loads of marketing formulas. I learn and implement formulas from other experts.

But you need to question each part of the formula…

What does my Inner Guidance want to do in each step?
What creativity, words, tactics, and strategies want to flow through me out to the hearts of 5-Star Clients?

If you’re not loving what you’re putting out there, neither will your 5-Star Clients.

Here are the warning signals that your marketing is constipated…

  • You overthink your copy, tactics, and strategies.
  • You don’t have a strategy because it all feels overwhelming or hasn’t worked previously.
  • You write copy that tries to convince and comes mainly from your head.
  • You tamp down your message to appeal to more people. Your message is vanilla and nicey-nicey.
  • You’ve decided that you’re no good at marketing.
  • You feel uncomfortable with pieces or ALL of your marketing.
  • You’re rigid about following advice from successful marketers and aren’t tuning in to your own inner marketing genius.
  • You’re not listening to the nudges from your soul.

Just say no to constipated marketing and let the clients flow in!

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