If there’s cool stuff you want in the coming year but you know you’ve got to change things up to experience kickass results… do this quick reality check.

Are you really committed to having what you say you want… in an easy and relaxed manner?

Your results and how you feel give you the answer.

Do you know the one or two patterns you keep repeating that get in the way of having exactly what you want in your business?

Are you willing to put your well-being before anyone else’s?

Are you willing to release negative self-judgment about where you’re at in the process of growing your business?

Do you really believe that you can be safe, thrive, and have a joyful life if you build a super profitable biz?

However you answered the questions above, assume that you’re truly powerful and totally capable of manifesting every experience and goal you desire…

Which leads to the next lesson…

Get committed to focusing your thoughts in a different way. It takes BIG-time faith to stick with a new practice, especially when your progress seems slow. You may have to put some structures in place, especially for those of you who resist structure. You’ve got to do whatever it takes to get your focus off the same old, same old.

If you think somebody else or some other circumstance is in your way, you’re wrong. This is one of those instances you actually want to be wrong about. 😉

You’re the boss of your life. Thank goodness nobody else gets to decide what you get or don’t get in life… even though it can feel like you’re not in control at times.

The only reason you’re attracting anything less than fabulous is because of your thoughts.

Period, the end.

The solution for turning things around isn’t time consuming and doesn’t require making all the “right” moves. It’s about practice. Here are some simple practices for radical results:

  • Every single day, before you get out of bed, decide that you’re going to have a good day. If a good day seems like too big of a stretch, then decide it will be better than yesterday. Also decide how you want to feel throughout the day. What actions will you take that will give you the most satisfaction?
  • Stop complaining. Seriously, no more complaining about yourself, others, or anything. You definitely want to acknowledge what’s not working, but decide what you do want regarding that issue, and move toward your desired solution as soon as you feel up to it.
  • Focus on 1-3 goals at a time. As soon as you knock out one, add another to your plate. Simplifying the number of things you focus on means a clearer head, more wins, and more getting accomplished.
  • Stop worrying about taking all the right action steps and doing enough actions. Your outcomes rely on how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling good about the action, you’re doing the right thing. If you’re regretting or fretting, you’re off track.
  • Acknowledge what’s right, what’s working, and who/what you appreciate. Do this more than once a day. You’ve got so much more good stuff going on in your life than you realize. Acknowledge all the amazing things in your life and you’ll attract more amazing things. Even your credit card debt has been a gift! Someone loaned you money when you didn’t have it. (Refer to the practice above about not complaining.)

Don’t underestimate the power of the above practices. They seem so simple and may not look like they can make a profound difference in your life… but they will.

Life is not about twisting yourself in a pretzel to get it all together, racing to the finish line knowing you’ve done all the right things. If you’re feeling relaxed and enjoying your experiences, you’ll begin to take all the perfect actions to attract every single thing you want.

You’ve got to really be committed to having what you want in a joyful manner. That’s it!

What was your BIG lesson/s in biz this year?