If you need a vibrational tune-up so that you can magnetize more money and be more connected to your inner guidance then my Biz Partner, Eva Gregory and I have got something to rock your world!
We designed a Manifesting Bundle for you to create mastery in the abundance department. And until December 30th it’s only $97!
YEP! $97 for our Magnetizing Money, Rapid Expansion and I Hear Voices programs, which include:
- 14 hours of audio lessons with me and Eva (4 of those with Master Coaches Terri Levine and Sharon Wilson bringing in their brilliance!)
- 5 hours with some of our fav experts
- Plus a 44-page manual and guidebook
Normally these three programs would sell for $375, but for 12 days you can grab them all for only $97! Less than a third of retail pricing!
Can you say, “OMG, that’s crazy! I have to have it?!” Get it here:
You’ll learn how to:
- Use the Universal Law of Attraction to get money fast.
- Harness energy and take inspired actions that are right on target every single time.
- Switch off old beliefs that don’t serve you and turn on the ones you need to make money.
- Think bigger so you can gain massive rewards.
- Take extreme inspired action so you can reach success faster.
- Clearly and precisely hear your Inner Guide.
- Transform your every how, what, and when question into instant answers.
- Connect with your Guardian Angels.
- Take what you know about the Laws of Attraction to the next level.
- Ask specific questions to ask your Guides and hear their answers until they are clear and concise.
- Verbalize the answers that come to you, both in writing as well as orally.
- ‘Read’ for other people by tapping into your Spiritual Guides.
- Be more masterful at the third step of the Law of Attraction … the Law of Allowing.
- Flip your perspective about yourself when you get off track.
- Use easy processes to get you back in ‘receiving mode’ fast.
- Embrace four fundamental choices and dramatically affect your sense of inner peace and well being while maximizing your ability to manifest your goals and desires.
- Adopt core processes for hearing your own voice and gaining clarity in your life.
If you need assistance to manifest more of what you want, keep it fun and easy and learn processes that will last you a lifetime … this Holiday Manifesting Bundle is a life changing opportunity for only $97.
Get Your Bundle Here: