Put yourself on the profit makers list for 2011!
There isn’t really an official list of profit makers. But wouldn’t you like to be able to say that in the first quarter of 2011, you upped your income and did it with grace?!
HELL YES, right?!
Well, then you have to get your bootie off the chair and be different. Do some things differently, too. Most importantly, you must let go of the past, even what happened last month, in order to get things rolling.
If you’ll give me six weeks, I’ll give you the foundation and personal coaching to make profits and peace your reality. If you’ve been waiting for me to offer a teleclass at a lower price point, then I’ve made your day!
Business Rx Teleclass starts Wednesday, January 12th and it comes with 6 live calls with me, unlimited email coaching, live coaching during class, and a group forum for more brainstorming. All at a price you can easily afford.
Make your business dreams come true.
Get the scoop on the all the benefits here: https://www.BusinessPrescription.com
I’ve been on the phone quite a bit this last couple of months doing strategy sessions with those of you have enjoyed my complimentary calls. Here are the top concerns and desired outcomes I am hearing from you:
Ø More income and consistent increases
Ø Time management
Ø There are lots of “experts offering programs for the New Year. Which is the best value
Ø Procrastinating on actions you know will build your business
Ø Get “unstuck”
Ø Need inspiration
Ø Increase productivity
Ø Stay focused
Ø Balancing business with raising kids
Ø Find the fun & passion again
Can you relate to any of these?
I always ask people the same questions when it comes to next steps:
What are you doing currently to move forward?
Is it working?
What needs to shift so that you can realize your goals in the next 3-6 months
Are you currently getting support?
This 6-week tele-coaching program will address the list of concerns and desires listed above. Business Rx is your ticket to get answers, break nasty habits and implement new attraction and business strategies to grow your profits, fun and peace!
You have all the power you need to change the course of your business with one decision. You are sooo ready! Do it!
In support,