Business on a Higher Plane - No-Cost Teleclass

Leadership has everything to do with revenue…


It is guaranteed that when you get your head in the right place, EVERYTHING that’s not working can turn itself around.


Leadership is about influencing outcomes, not controlling.  Being a conscious and enlightened leader influences the clients, revenue and team members that show up, or don’t show up, in your business.


But you don’t have to walk around with a bright aura or monk robes to be an impactful leader who always manifests the desired results!


I’m unveiling my 7 Pillars of Enlightened Leadership in a 1-Hour NO COST Teleclass:


Business on a Higher Plane

Tuesday, June 8th at 12pm PT/3pm ET.


RESERVE YOUR SEAT and get access to the mp3 replay!


This teleclass is for solopreneurs, business owners and leaders who feel like they’re doing all the right stuff but know there’s gotta be a better way to get high octane results without adding more to their plate.

Join me!