Acquiring new information can help you make wise choices, save you years of mistakes, and speed up your progress.

But often, entrepreneurs tell themselves they don’t know enough to attract clients or customers. They put off growing their business until they learn more.

If you’ve ever thought that you need more experience, more training, more certificates, or more education before you can make the big bucks, you may’ve fallen into a common trap. 

You probably have enough knowledge to begin moving forward on any project or dream. Of course, learning new skills is required to rock your business, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be successful right now.

Twenty-eight years ago, I took my first coaches training course. I immediately opened my coaching practice and built it while going through my certification process. 

In fact, the Coaches Training Institute required me to have five clients before I could do the certification training. They wanted you to practice your skills and make money while learning. 

Your knowledge deepens as you take action and implement what you already know. Listening to seminars, reading books, and taking trainings are good eye openers, but they don’t actually give you knowledge. 

You have to use the information and see what results you get and then adjust your course. This is where knowledge is gained.

I can think I’m teaching a client how to grow their business by giving them information, but it’s not until I engage that client in their own process that the education begins. When you go within yourself and discover which beliefs, actions, and habits serve you well and which don’t, you’ll have moved up the learning curve.

Steve Droke said, “Knowledge is power and enthusiasm pulls the switch.” This quote is right on the money when it comes to building a business. 

I was running on pure passion and very little marketing knowledge when I built my business. It worked quite well for me. I filled my practice in record time.

As I gained more knowledge about marketing and abundance, I was able to grow it even more. But I had to be excited about the knowledge. If you learn new information and allow it to overwhelm you, you won’t do anything with it.

A little knowledge goes a long way when paired with inspired actions… one baby step at a time.

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Cynthia Botsko
This is exactly where I am right now. In my field, I have to pay attention to legal & licensure boundaries. But, as I complete required learning to get those certifications & licenses, I CAN still work to build my business within the parameters of where I'm at right now. Wonderful encouragement from this article... as always!
Celeste Bonnet
Thank you for writing the newsletter just for me Jeanna! Celeste Bonnet