Most ideas begin with enthusiasm. Sometimes you hit a roadblock in your mind as fast as the good idea came. Other times you begin to act on the idea and then find yourself stumped. Is it time to jump ship when the boat springs a leak? Not necessarily.
You could immediately try to plug up the hole. I recommend asking some questions first. Not just any questions, but the right questions. How do you know if they are right? They should lead you to an answer that will move you toward what you want.
In our example of a leaking hole, you could ask the following:
- Why do these things always happen to me?
2. Should I sue the manufacturer of this ship?
3. What is the best solution for fixing the hole in this moment?
4. Who is responsible for allowing this hole to manifest?
Which question will attract the most useful response? The third question gets my vote. It will lead you to an answer that you can use to fix the ship and set sail. The other questions may get you a response that is interesting, but is it the most useful?
Who you are asking the question of is also important. Ask yourself the question first. Many times we have our own answers but look to everyone else for advice. You are your own best expert when you’re not caught up in the emotional drama of a problem. Calm yourself down before you begin asking questions. After checking in with yourself, you might then ask some other questions of people who will support you in moving toward your desired end result.
The types of questions you ask will reflect where you’re focused. Let’s say your goal is to have a ten percent increase in profits this month. Asking yourself, “What will happen if I don’t attract it?” is not a productive question. A better question is, “What is a simple way I can increase my profits immediately?”
I ask myself daily, “What is most important for me to focus on today?”
What’s the question you’ll ask yourself to be better aligned with your most important desire?
You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists conscious entrepreneurs to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging attraction principles, proven strategies and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here:
Original Publish Date: July 19, 2011