Many people talk about their bucket list. They keep a mental (sometimes written) list of all the things they want to experience or achieve before they “kick the bucket.”

My brother J. J. died suddenly at the age of 42, so it propelled me into living a life of no regrets. He was pretty good about checking things off his list, including booking a trip with me to Italy that was supposed to happen two months after he passed. (I took my mom instead.)

Most of us are usually so focused on surviving what’s happening in our life in this right-now moment that we put off our bucket list stuff until after we can get things handled now.

Well, you know how that goes. Life doesn’t slow down. New issues continue to pop up that need handling.

But what if you peppered everyday life with the good stuff, instead of saving it for someday?

When I had kids, I noticed how I pushed off traveling until they grew older. It didn’t feel good, so I began taking short trips several times a year. That felt great.

Then, I began living as if traveling and children went together like peanut butter and jelly.

But what about living a life of no regrets in your business?

Instead of waiting for good fortune to come your way, what if you actively sought out amazing opportunities?

What if you…

Charged more for your services?
Stopped hiding your expertise?
Created that new product or service?
Paid yourself first?
Took a month-long vacation?
Finished your website?
Partnered with your idol?
Hired an expert?
Hired a team?
Wrote your book?
Spoke on a large stage?

What if you did something about it now?

Most people refer to regrets as things they wish they would’ve done but didn’t.

I’ve always been most fulfilled in my business when I did something that put me outside of my comfort zone. Why keep experiencing the same things over and over?

That can be nice, but is it juicy?

There is always more joy to be had. More unique experiences. More expansion. A deeper connection to source energy. More fulfillment. More peace.

Write a bucket list for your business. Go nuts with it. Brainstorm for an hour or two.

Then, create your plan to start living it. One step at a time.

When you give yourself fully to a joyful business experience, profits will follow in abundance.